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Walking into the premises, I was awestruck at the might of the house. My Parents were back and they were on my mind. I got a call from Edozie. I was indeed delighted that my brother had changed.

Timi was by my side and Mide was way ahead of us. We walked into the building and to my greatest surprise, it was empty. I could only hear the sound of faint music.

"Guys, over here" Mide called walking towards a door. "It's a pool party" She said and we nodded and followed her.
The poolside was another beautiful sight to behold. Disco lights all over the dark place and very few people dancing to the songs played by the DJ and others playing in the pool.

I sighted Damola and Agatha and immediately walked over to where they were seated. "Hey girls" I yelled so they could hear my voice over the loud music. Peter was also present and he was seated beside Agatha. I said hi to him and wiggled my brows at Agatha. Timi and Mide soon joined us and we all sat down watching the group of sweating teenagers grinding against each other on the dance floor.

"Hey guys" We all turned at the sound of that voice. It was the birthday boy. Desmond was looking great in his white Balenciaga hoodie and a pair dark jean trousers. "Hey Des" "Hey man" "Happy birthday" "Great party" "I love you outfit" We all said to him. Mide was the only one that said nothing. Desmond smiled at us and thanked us,his gaze lingering on Mide's mute form. "Happy birthday" She managed to squeak out and his smile widened. "Thanks" he replied.

"Let's go over there. All my friends are there" he said to us and we followed him to the other end where the music was not really loud. We exchanged pleasantries with his friends and they all responded. I had wondered why a celebrity like him threw such a simple pool party. His words were 'My little way of having a me time without the media interrupting'

"Hey Uzo" Agatha called. "Irene is here" she whispered in my ear. My eyes widened. "Where" I whispered back. "Right beside Desmond" She said and I lifted my gaze and truth be told, she was seated there typing away on her phone. It was Irene freaking Coker.

"Hey Irene" Agatha called. She looked up with a straight face. "My friend Uzo here is also into modeling"
"Really?" "Oh no" I countered. "I'm not officially a model. I just modeled for Tara few days ago"

"That's great" She replied and I beamed. "Yunno, I've always admired you. I'm your number one fan" she giggled. "That's good to know" she replied paying more attention to me.

"I hope to be like you someday"
"You're gonna wait so long" She said and the small talk in the group died down every single person had their eyes on Irene. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, you don't expect to become famous suddenly. You have to work towards it just like I did. There's more to modeling than posing for pictures you know, being cautious of what you wear, dieting and even working out. Do you even work out?"

My cheeks heated up in embarrassment. "She doesn't need to work out to look great. She looks good without even trying" Timi said to Irene with a stern look on his face and my heart leaped for joy. He's standing up for me. "And just because you're famous doesn't make you better than she is" Damola added and I couldn't help but smile at the way they supported me. "Can we just enjoy the party" One of Irene's friend whom I was told is Kiki said. She seemed to be a peacemaker and I immediately took a liking to her. I couldn't also believe that she was Zion's twin sister as they looked nothing alike. "Whatever" Irene rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to her phone.

I looked anywhere but at Timi. I could feel his gaze lingering. He squeezed my hands. "Don't let what she said get to you. She's just a spoilt brat" I tried to put on a smile but failed at it.

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