Chapter 9

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Jayden's POV

Fixing my cloak so that it concealed my face completely, I stepped out of the car. I walked up to the entrance of the pack house where alpha Benjamin of the Crystal Blue pack was waiting with a polite smile. That smile won't be there for long though.

"Alpha Jayden, to what do we owe the pleasure of you gracing us with your presence?" he asked with a bow.

I nodded in acknowledgement and could see from my peripheral vision that his son was glaring daggers at me. I turned my attention to him and he straightens up quickly and bowed to show his respect.

I smirked in satisfaction and focused my attention back on his father. He ushered me inside and led me to what I presumed was his office. When we got inside he took a seat behind his desk and I took the seat in front of the desk.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"Cut the bullshit" I said getting straight to the point.

"I have no idea why you're here" he said looking at me warily.

"Allow me to enlighten you. You're daughter" I said and watched as he stiffened in his seat.

Right now I wasn't the one in control. I had given full control to my wolf, because he was the one who really wanted to come here to kill the man that hurt our mate and allowed everyone else to do the same.

"What about my daughter?" he asked nervously.

I smirked in reply even though he couldn't see my face that was concealed by the cloak. Removing the cloak from my head I decided to reveal my identity to him, not that it would matter or anything since he would be dead in the next few days.

He looked at me in shock as he let out a gasp of surprise. He never looked away as he sat transfixed by my appearance.

I think now is a good time to let you in on a little secret of mine. I'm cursed. That is the reason why I wear a cloak when visiting other packs. One look at me and you'll fall in love, it didn't matter who you were.

My father was able to cast a spell on our territory so that anyone within the region would not fall for my curse. Once I step foot across the pack boundary, then anyone is vulnerable to the curse.

It might seem like a silly little curse if people were just going to fall in love with me, but it was more complex than that. They would get obsessed, and my rejection would lead to their insanity which always ended in them committing suicide.

Right now he has fallen under my spell, which meant that killing him would be much easier since he'll be doing it himself.

He stood from his seat slowly and walked around his desk to stand beside me. He reach out a hand to touch my face and I stopped him. He frowned at that, but that was all I needed for him to go crazy and eventually kill himself in a few days.

"I'll be leaving now" I said. I stood and made my way to the door when he called out.

"Wait. Don't go" he pleaded with me.

I ignored him and closed the door behind me. From outside, I could hear him destroying his office, which only made me smirk. So he might kill himself sooner than expected.

I shrugged my shoulders and left the pack.


"How did it go?" Mason asked as soon as I stepped foot inside my office.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He was currently sitting in my chair, behind my desk with his feet up on the desk. If he was anyone else I would have surely killed him for even being in my office without my permission.

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