Chapter 1

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Hi!!! Thank you for your interest in my book! I originally published all of this in my Batboys Preferences and Imagines book. They are all still there as well as a variety of others that I encourage you to check out if you feel like it. It was called Smile however it has been changed to Transcendent Temptations, this book. I will no longer be uploading chapters from this storyline to the other book for any readers that come from there. So for new chapters and content check this book rather than that one.

Thank you enjoy!
Closing your eyes as you fell back onto the rock hard bed, you relished in the feeling of it. It wasn't much. The blanket was thin and frayed. You didn't have a pillow and the springs of the mattress were sticking out, stabbing you in the back more than any two faced whore you'd ever met. But you put up with it because after your parents death, you were lucky to be alive. Or so they told you. You'd rather be dead than in this shithole but alas, nothing.

Heaving yourself out of bed, you wince as your sore and bruised ribs. You probably shouldn't have moved, but there was something glowing in your closet. It's probably just the light. You thought to yourself. You were half-tempted to leave it on to scare off any nightmares. Huffing a sigh you made your way closer to the closet. If they found out you had left the light on you would surely get another beating. Slowly opening the door, you grimaced at the loud creak it made and prayed it didn't wake anyone.

A blinding light caused your hand to immediately cover your face. You step forward and into the closet to reach for the light string. Confused when you couldn't find it, you reached forward more. Then you were falling. It was strange to be falling for such a long time into a closet. Thankfully when you landed, you hit the ground softly. Moving to pick yourself back up, you froze. Why was it raining in your closet?

Snapping your eyes open, you were met with a dark street lit by various streetlights. It was raining and hard. The sounds of police sirens and screams didn't help anything. "Hey there little mama, you need some help?" The strange man had come out of some pitch black alleyway just behind you. Shaking in fear, you shook your head. "N-no. I-I-" The man roughly grasped onto your wrist. "You bitch! It's only polite to accept help when it's offered." His breath was thick with the stench of tobacco and cheap beer.

The sound of a car pulling up pulled the attention of you and the man. Craning your head slightly, you caught sight of a tired looking man stepping from a black SUV. The man was in a suit, but his jacket was not with him. The button up sleeves had been lazily rolled up and he had a very unimpressed look on his face. Your savior.


Tim just wanted to go home in peace. It had been a long and tiring day at WE and all he wanted was to sit in his bed with a nice cup of steaming coffee and his laptop. But no. Some dickwad had to be a douchebag to a woman who was clearly too terrified to even think. Letting a large sigh leave his body, Tim pulled his car to a stop and slowly stepped out walking around to the pavement. "Damnit leave the lady alone dude." The man looked Tim up and down and laughed.

"Or what? This ain't none of your concern." Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Tim felt the taser and cuffs he carried on him at all times. Why? For situations just like this. "Listen man I really don't want to have to kick your ass right now, will you please just let the poor girl go?" Tim made eye contact with the woman and his breath was sucked out of him. She was stunning.

He noted quickly how uncomfortable she was with her elbow to her ribcage and assessed a broken or bruised ribcage. Along with a few more minor injuries all associated with home abuse. No way in hell was he ever gonna let his beautiful goddess go through that ever again. Other small indicators led him to diagnose severe anxiety. The kind she should be on medicine for.

Taking another deep breath Tim carefully made his way over to the man and dug the taser into his side. The man fell unconscious. Taking care to handcuff him to a pole, he called GCPD. Once that had been taken care of, he directed his attention on the small woman. Taking small soft steps towards her, he made sure to let her know many times that she was safe with him. Recalling a trick he learned from the internet to deal with anxiety, he held his hands out in front of him palms facing her and fingers spread. (IDK if this works for y'all but sometimes works with me an my anxiety)

Slowly inching closer her gestured for her to place her palms against his. Once she had done that, he lead her through slow, relaxing breathing exercises. Once the tears had subsided, she was clearly scared and alone. As expected she latched on to the closest thing she trusted to anchor her, Tim. Tightly wrapping her to his chest and picking her up, Tim placed her in the passenger side of his SUV. She whimpered as he let go. "It's okay sweetheart. I'm just going around to the other side."

Tim ran quickly to the other side and as soon as he was in the car he hand clutched his. "Can you tell me your name beautiful?" She took a deep breath and straightened a little. "Y/n Y/ln. I- I don't know ho-how I got here. But please-please- don-t make m-me go bac-back." She was almost sobbing again and something deep inside Tim was riled up and ready to protect her. "Hey, you don't have to go back there ever again. I will always protect you sweetheart. I'm Timothy by the way. But you can call me whatever you're comfortable with babygirl." Tim noted the blush. At least he had an affect on her.

"Timmy?" Letting out a 'hmmm' in response, he momentarily glanced at her before back at the road. "Where are we going?" Tim stopped and pulled over. "Back to my house. If that's okay sweetheart? You don't have to meet any of my brothers or anything yet?" Your eyes widened at the mention of Tim's brothers. "Sorry. I probably should have guessed you have a fear of people and more than likely men. Uhhh- None of them are really home is what I mean and uh- you don't have to meet them just yet. I just figured since you were comfortable around me..." She placed her hand shyly over his own.

"You make me feel very safe Timmy." His face lit up and he flashed her a dazzling smile. "I'm glad babygirl. None of them should be home but just in case, always remember that I will never let anything harm you, least of all any of my hell raised brothers." You nodded and Tim nodded as well. The car ride continued. Tim asked you small questions every once in a while, careful not to ask anything triggering.


The car ride was pleasing and you were very glad to have found a friend. Although he is quite attractive and something more is already developing. You could feel it. You wanted it to stop though. Timmy knew some of it, but he'd never want you if he knew all of it. For some reason however, you couldn't bring yourself to stay away from Timmy. He was captivating.

Your jaw actually dropped when you pulled in front of the manor. Tim reached over and closed your jaw, winking playfully at you. Blushing fiercely you turned your head away. Timmy let out a deep chuckle and walked over to your door, opening it for you and helping you out. Taking a deep breath you kept your hand tightly clasped in his. Tim opened the door to the manor. He clearly had not expected his brothers to be home. They were all in weird looking suits. Tim had mentioned three brothers and his adoptive father who you assumed was not in the room.

A particularly scary looking man immediately caught your eye but he didn't even glance from his gun that he was cleaning. You gripped Tim's hand tighter and he started leading you up a very large set of stairs. You were stopped by a loud squeal. A very handsome man approached the two of you and you instantly cowered back into Tim who placed a protective arm around your waist. "Awww! C'mon baby bird! You know you're not supposed to be bringing random women home!" Tim glared at him. "I'm not. I'm pretty sure she's from another Earth and she- she needs me." The man stared long and hard at Tim and a secret message was definitely exchanged.

Tim suddenly yanked the two of you forward and you stumbled from the force. "Sorry sweetheart." He mumbled. Shaking your head, you pulled on your clasped hands for him to turn. His face was tight and stressed. Placing your hands on his cheeks you attempted to pull his lips into a smile. Timmy let out a soft chuckle and you clapped victoriously.

"I like it when you smile."

Transcendent Temptations - Tim Drake x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now