Chapter 3

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In the past week you had settled well into Wayne Manor. Everything seemed normal and Tim stayed with you every night until you fell asleep before leaving for patrol. When you woke up every morning he was there next to you, sleeping soundly and cuddling you into his side. Life was finally starting to come together with you and you found yourself with a sudden crush on the raven-haired wonder.

One problem. When you went to bed last night, Tim was there. When you woke up the next morning, he was not. Figuring he just had a late night or got up early for some coffee and research, you waited for him to return. You waited, and waited, and after around twenty minutes of waiting you felt the anxiety building up.

Fearing the worst, that maybe he had left you, you pulled the blanket off of yourself and stood. Wincing at the cold air that hit your bare shoulders. The tank top covered your stomach and chest but left your arms and a third of your back exposed to the chilly drafts of the manor. You quickly changed paths from the door to Tim's massive walk-in closet and pulled a random button up off the rack.

It was a crisp white shirt. You pushed your arms through and lifted it over your shoulders. Instantly you felt warmth consume you. Satisfied with your now raised body heat, you started making your way to the door. With every breath you sucked into your lungs, you could smell Tim's intoxicating and masculine scent. It was his natural smell. Something that brought you so much comfort that you had to fight back the groan of content that struggled up your throat.

Gently opening Tim's bedroom door you were startled at the silence that filled the house. The manor was never this quiet. In fact, it wasn't uncommon that you could hear Dick swinging from the chandelier or Jason shooting at the birds outside even through the soundproofing in Tim's room. Instead it was silent. The kind of silence that was unsettling.

Once you had finally made it out of Tim's room you realized you had completely forgotten to change out of your shorts. Tim's short was large on you and covered your shorts, stretching all the way to mid-thigh. At last you made it to the kitchen. The only soul in the kitchen was Bruce fetching a morning cup of coffee. The usual breakfast that Alfred made was missing from the counter.

"Oh! Hi... Mr. Wayne." Bruce turned to you look at you. He glanced at Tim's shirt and a knowing look spread across his face. "Tim's in the cave Y/n. I know you care about him but try and go easy on him. Patrol last night was a little rough." He sipped his coffee and turned to retrieve something out of the fridge. "I have no idea what you're talking about Mr. Wayne."

"Naturally, Y/n."

A bright pink blush was covering your face. You disregarded Bruce's comment and started making your way to the piano. Your fingers pressed down on the familiar keynotes that you had recently memorized in the last week. The old grandfather clock slid backwards and you embarked upon the familiar stone steps. The farther you made it down the slippery stone steps, the more you could hear voices downstairs.

The cave was extremely chilly and the hairs on your legs stood up. You followed the voices into the med-bay. The moment you made it into the room, the heads of Alfred, Damian, Dick, and Jason all turned to you. Tim was watching the door long before you stepped into view. You were the one person who he was hoping most would visit him. There were a few cuts on his face and a large bandage was wrapped around his torso. Small drops of blood were peaking through.

"Y/n," Tim breathed your name from the hospital bed and tears sprung to your eyes. Jason let out a huff and walked from the room. Dick threw an angry Damian over his shoulder and was herded out of the room by Alfred. Tim repeated your name, this time stronger. "Y/n." He coaxed you softly towards him and your feet moved of their own accord.

The moment you were within arms reached, Tim yanked you into a hug. "C'mere." You were very mindful of his wounds. You pulled away after the hug and Tim's eyes traveled along your body. "You're wearing my shirt." He gulped and his eyes notably darkened. "Uh- yeah. I was... I was cold," You played with the buttons on the shirt. "you can have it back if you want." Tim eyes bulged and he shook his head, almost a little too quickly. However in your scattered mind, Tim's flushed face didn't register.

"No, no. Keep it." You watched as Tim's eyes traveled all over your body. His hands rested on your waist and pulled you closer into his side. His index finger pushed under your chin and lifted your head so your eyes met his. His face slowly inched towards yours. You felt his breath across your face. As his lips neared yours in a kiss, a sudden chattering left your mouth. The cave was only adding to the freezing cold you were feeling.

Tim let out a chuckle and pulled you onto the bed next to him. He allowed you to slip under the covers of the blanket, and pulled it up to your chin as he tucked you into his side. Although you were glad he didn't mention it, you were kind of upset that you had ruined the moment. You shook the thought out of your head and leaned your head on his shoulder.

You didn't notice the way Tim's face reddened or the way his heart fluttered in his chest. You were already asleep when his lips met your forehead in a kiss. Bruce came upon quite a sight, Tim lying with you in bed, running his hand through your hair. "You love her, don't you?" Tim looked up at his adoptive father with a smile and nodded. "You know how she feels about you?" Tim nodded again.

"Yeah I know how she feels about me." He was murmuring softly into her hair. Of course he knew. He was a detective wasn't he. "But I also know about her dad. And you do too. She almost kissed me earlier. I wanted to kiss her so badly. We aren't our family, we are who we make of ourselves," He placed another soft kiss on her forehead. "She has a right to know. When she finds out, she will want to get to know him. I don't want to have to choose between her and the mission, Bruce. She's become my world this past week, how am I supposed to let go of that?"

Bruce sighed and sat in the metal chair next to Tim's bed. "Look, Tim. I'm not good at this stuff. Needless to say, heart to hearts aren't really my thing. But while you're in detective mode, just remember that some things or rather some people are worth choosing over the mission. There are some things in this world that are just... more important."

Tim hummed and looked at the sleeping woman curled up next to him."Yeah. She definitely is."

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