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Jungkook drove down the road in a hurry seeing it was 7:40 he still had another 15 minutes to go. He kept beeping at cars, switching lanes, and skipping stop signs. Somehow not getting caught by the cops.

He finally reached the building and parked his car immediately after seeing it was 7:58. He ran out his car making sure to lock it and made his way inside the building. Then he felt one of his shoes loose, he looked down and saw his left shoe lace going wild as he ran.

"Shit" he muttered and bent down to tie it quickly. "Mr.Jeon! You're here and just on time too, I'm impressed!" He heard a voice say, he looked up seeing it was Mr.Park.

He stood up brushing off the invisible dust on his suit and stuck his hand out "Hey Mr.Park, always gotta be here on time, especially on my first day" he smiled. Mr.Park shook his hand returning the smile too "Of course, well Mr.Kim is running a little late, meanwhile you can meet my bodyguard Mr.Min" Mr.Park said moving to the side for a better view of Mr.Min.

Jungkook almost squealed seeing his hyung from high school, instead he smiled brightly and bowed "Mr.Min" he shook his hand "Ah Mr Jeon lovely seeing you again" Yoongi smiled his gummy smile.

"You guys know each other?" Mr.Park asked. Yoongi nodded "He's my best friend from high school sir"

"Oh well isn't that wonderful!! Well you guys will be seeing each other a lot since Taehyung and I are always together" Jimin ensured by pulling his phone out dialing a number. "I'll be right back, I need to make a quick call" he walked away.

Jungkook didn't mind being with his hyung all the time. He felt more comfortable and less nervous being around him. "Well how've you been?" His hyung asked. "Well I got fired from my last job" Jungkook scrunched his nose.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows and looked at him with concern. "How come?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Well his daughter was all over me it was disgusting"


"Yes! That damn slut, she wanted me to be her personal bodyguard I said fuck no I'm out" Jungkook laughed. Yoongi chuckled "Well I'm glad you're not there anymore and with me" Yoongi patted his back.

"I'm also glad, did you know I had to beg in order to get this job because my papers had sexual harassment on them" he sighed. "Ohhh so you're Mr.Kim's new personal bodyguard" Yoongi laughed.

Jungkook nodded with a small frown "He seems kinda mean"

"Mean!? Your boss is so childish, he's adorable but since you have sexual harassment on your papers he might be a bitch to you"

"I won't touch him in any way, I'd lose my job on the spot if I did" he sighed. Yoongi laughed and looked behind Jungkook. "Oh Jungkook! Namjoon also works here, but he seems busy at the moment"

Jungkook turned around and saw his other hyung with two other handsome men. One with broad shoulders who had a mirror in his hands and another who had a clipboard in his hands with a beautiful smile.

Jungkook looked at Namjoon who was handsome as always. Jungkook always admired him, he would always follow him around school like a little puppy. The only reason he had good grades and perfect attendance was because of him.

"You're starring... again," Yoongi said, putting an arm around him. Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and pushed Yoongi away blushing "shut up, I'm not gay" he mumble.

"Damn I didn't say you were" his hyung smirked holding up his hands in defense.

"You were going to say it" he rolled his eyes. Yoongi shrugged "so what, you're just scared to admit that you had the biggest crush on him"

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