.twenty one.

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Seth had convinced everyone to have a sleepover at Sam's house now that we didn't have to worry about them going on patrol for a while and they were all way too tired to go home. We didn't start waking up until about midday, the guys because they were in massive sleep debt, and me because I was enjoying being close to Jared too much.

We hadn't spent the night together yet. Any opportunity we had would be interrupted by patrols or emergencies or my father, so being wrapped up in Jared's arms right now was the single best thing in the world. Even if we were on the floor of Sam's living room and surrounded by his snoring brothers who had also crashed, all I saw was Jared. Feeling his warmth, letting my head rise and fall with his chest which I lay on, his arms locked around me as they had been all night. It was pure bliss.

Now that I'd spent the night beside him, I don't know how I hadn't done it before. I had the best quality sleep I had ever had. Feeling so safe beside him, so at peace knowing he was there.

I glanced up at him from my position on his solid chest, admiring his features from below, and thinking how the hell did I get so lucky? This man had become so vital to me, and I truly did love him with every part of my heart.

I attempted to gently creep away from him and maybe help Emily with brunch but two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me back down as soon as I made an attempt to get up, squeezing me tight and burying his face in my neck.

"Good morning," I giggled as he moaned an inaudible response. "Don't wanna get up?" I whispered questioningly. He just shook his head and moaned a little more, squeezing me even tighter.

I was evil. I decided to make him believe I was Paul, causing him to see his best mate and brother wrapped tightly in his arms instead of me. "Open your eyes," I whispered.

He slowly blinked and pulled me closer, before opening his eyes and seeing the illusion of Paul beside him. 

"What the fuck bro!" he screamed, the whole house was awake now. He pushed me away as I laughed in absolute hysterics, jumping up and running to the other side of the room like he was afraid of Paul. I was laughing too hard to keep the illusion up, and allowed him to see me as normal again. "Yo, that was messed up Juliet. You're gonna regret that." He was still quaking at the sight of his best friend cuddled into him so intimately, and I let the guys in on what had happened as they woke up.

Paul especially found it fricken hilarious. "Juliet you're officially recruited, you're on me and Embry's team now," Quil decided, opting that I was prime prank material. 

"I'm sorry handsome, don't hate me, I had to." I said to Jared as I approached him for a kiss.

"You're lucky I love you." he said laughing, kissing me softly and sweetly.

"I definitely am." 

We all made a start to our days and convened around the table. "Okay, so we're going to want to talk to the Cullens about this plan, see what they say. Maybe we need to meet on neutral territory or call them." Sam began, referencing the need to gear up in time for our battle.

"We can have them at my place, my dad will be working today anyway. And that way everyone's comfortable." I offered, remembering the last time we met at my home for neutral ground purposes.

"That's great, thank you Juliet. Jacob do you want to call Bella or Edward and have them alerted to the meeting?"

"I'm sure Alice already knows but yeah, on it." he agreed, rolling his eyes at the thought of Edward.

The time and place was set and before we knew it we were going over to my place to hold a meeting with the Cullens.

"Eek! Juliet, I've missed you. And I saw what this meeting is about, you little badass. I'm proud of you," Alice squeaked as she hugged me tightly.

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now