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"I'm back" I sing entering the institute.

"Beth!" Alec exclaims a little to excited. He gives me a hug.

"Why are you here?" He asks "you said the report and test was today?" But if it isn't I said nothing.

"It's not 12 pm yet"

"Oh well I thought I could get some practice in" I say punching the air and using an imaginary sword.

"I have some work to do but, I'll be there when I finish. Warm up" he pats my shoulder and sits down.

I go over to the training room. The weapon rack is on display. I look through the weapons. A golden sword catches my eye. It's breathtaking.

I grab the sword with my hand. It was the perfect weight. I give it a couple swings.

A smile forms on my face. I bring out the dummy. And hit it a couple times. Getting used to the sword.

I feel a presence behind me. I turn around. Blocking a blade to my throat. I look at their face. They have brunette hair and blue eyes.

She swings again with a sword similar to the one I'm using. I keep blocking attacks.

I hit her stomach with the swords handle. She stumbles back. She looks wide eyed. I take the advantage of her fazed moment and attack her again.

I wrap my legs around her. Using her weight against her. I see her sword coming toward me ready to hit. I throw it with a swift kick.

I hold the sword to her throat. I hear a person clapping. I don't take my eyes of this woman.

"You Can let go of her" the older women says.

I let her go. She brushes off and grabs her sword back.

"Lightwood was right you do fight like a herondale" she says examining me. "And look like one too" she adds

"Who are you?" I say in a emotionless voice.

"Imogen herondale" she says with a hand stretched toward me. "That is Alicia herondale my granddaughter"

"Now follow me Elizabeth" she says. She seems trustworthy. So I follow her. She leads me to a lab?

"We've come all the way from idris to see if this is true. We have reason to believe you're a herondale" she says as emotionless as possible.

"Can we get this over with? She isn't Karlas kid." Alicia say.

"Alice do not. She did defeat you with a sword. She has been trained by a lightwood" she says.

"She could be a Lovelace they love swords too grandma" she says defensively.

"Sorry to intrude but what happen if this test is positive?" I ask concerned.

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