Questions & Answers

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I literally saw Mr. Grumpy's face glow when I agreed to the deal. He came forward and stood in front of me. He looked into my eyes for a couple of seconds and then, he hugged me. It was not a passionate hug but more like a brotherly hug.

"Thank you Amy! You have no idea what this means to me & my family" He cupped my face. I nodded.

"I'll call the lawyers immediately." He started walking towards the office but I had a lot of questions.

"Wait! Uhm. I have some questions." Not all my questions were answered and some of my questions are silly but I have to ask. He nodded. He closed the chamber door, pulled a chair, and gestured me to sit.

"What will I tell others?"

"That we are marrying because we love each other"

"I haven't mentioned you ever to my friends. Won't they be suspicious?"

"Then you tell them that I forbade you to tell anyone"

"Why would you do that?"

"To stop unnecessary rumors."

"How did we fall in love?"

"While working as a boss and PA."

"But I was planning to date Brian just until last month!"

"Hmm... Then you say that I was in love with you before itself and you realized it after Brian's episode."

"What do you mean before itself?"

"I knew you before I took control of the office here."


"When you were working with Ethan, there were some rumors and I did a background check."

"What!! You investigated me?"

"Yes, it was about 6 months back. Here's an idea, tell your friends that I've been in love with you ever since."

"Really? You think they will believe it just like that. They have known me forever, and..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Amy, we can't plan everything. Even if we prepare well, there will be certain questions that will catch us off guard. How about we deal with it, as and when we face it?" Somehow, when he said it, it made sense. I sighed.

"What happens next?"

"I will call the lawyers and get the documents ready. Once we sign, we can make it official. Every month I will credit the compensation to your account."

"What will happen if someone comes to know about the truth?"

"Then we behave as if it's all rumor and display our love in front of people"

"What do you mean 'display'?"

"You will accompany me to dinners, conferences, and social gatherings. That's where people will notice us. That's where the media is. That's where we put on the act."

"How old are you?"

"I am 32."

"I don't know anything about you."

"It's okay since our relationship will be stated as new. You can know about me gradually."

"You don't know anything about me"

"I do know a lot actually. But will know you better as we stay together."

"Will I be able to work?"

"You will be paid handsomely for this. So why work?"

"Because I can't just sit at home."

"It might be difficult as you will need to travel with me or accompany me to events etc. But if you want to work, we can have an assistant assigned to you to whom you can delegate your work. That way, you can continue to work."

"What about work after the deal? After we uhm... divorce?"

"I haven't thought so far ahead. Shall we cross that bridge when we come to it?"

"Where do I stay?"

"With me. In my Penthouse."

"Same room?"

"When we are here in San Francisco, you can stay in the guest room but in Hotels, it would be the same room. Also, if we go to Los Angeles or my parents come here, we would have to share the room."

"How will we behave in front of people?"

"Like we are in deep love"

"And when people are not there?"

"Like friends? Shall we?"

"What about my friends and family?"

"You'll have full freedom."


"Obviously no. You can't date anyone."

"And you?"

"It applies to me as well. No cheating."

"Will we uhm... kiss or - you know -"

"Kiss, yes. We will have to act like a real couple"



"Please don't make this difficult Mr. Holden."

"Call me Alex."

"Okay, Alex"


"Ahem, what's the answer?"

"What was the question again?"

"Will we uhm... kiss and -"

"I replied about kiss"



"Please Alex!"

"Do you mean sex?"


"Do you want to?"


"Then we don't."

'And if I want to?'

'Shit! Don't ask that' I gulped that question.

Lord! What have I got myself into?

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