Chapter 66-70

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Chapter 66: Gaining a Strong Backer

"Master? Over your vapid head! Why should I call you master?! What is so amazing about your mask? Which part of it is good exactly? I could tell it was a mask as soon as I looked at it! The workmanship certainly isn't as refined as you say it is. When you smiled, only the surface of your face seemed to move without any of the muscles supposedly lying below the skin moving along. It didn't look natural at all. Heck, I can make masks which are a hundred times better than yours!" Once she regained her wits about herself, Ling Chuxi began to lecture Mu Liufeng without holding back. 'Was this some kind of joke to him? He wants me to recognize him as a master? Please. What an odd personality he has. Moody and consumed by vanity to the point of death. Who would ever want to be a disciple to such a person?! Why, just a short while earlier he even had the murderous intent to kill me and almost did!'

"What was that? Oh my days, you know how to make masks? That's just so great! I'd like you to make eight to ten of them as quickly as you can for me. I'll finally have something new to play with. Just think of it as a greeting gift that you, my new wicked disciple, bestowed upon me, your new master." The moment Mu Liufeng heard Ling Chuxi say that she possessed this skill, his bewitching eyes lit up all the more and the perspective in his gaze towards Ling Chuxi shifted again.

"Look here. How can such a thing be so easily made? The mere process of getting all the materials needed is very complex and time-consuming. Plus, the materials are not so easily found so as to make that many masks. Furthermore, I refuse to recognize you as my master!" retorted Ling Chuxi without care for social niceties any longer. "All you have to do is let me pass the entrance examination fair and square. That would suffice. Thank you."

"The audacity! How dare you speak to me like this, you wicked disciple, you!" seethed Mu Liufeng. He stepped back and put on his mask, transforming himself back into an ordinary-looking young man. Mu Liufeng began to hum to himself and chirped in a sing-song manner to Ling Chuxi, "If you don't recognize me as your master, don't even think of passing the entrance examination!"

"You!" barked Ling Chuxi angrily at Mu Liufeng, who stood motionless with a languid smile on his masked face. "How can there be such a man who goes around forcing people to become his disciples?!"

"All right, enough of this. Let's take it from here. From now on, you are my disciple. If anyone dares to bully you or cause you any trouble, just tell me and I will kill them," said Mu Liufeng reassuringly. By the time he concluded his sentence, his eyes had turned cold and brutal, burying any doubt that he was merely joking.

Ling Chuxi stroked her chin purposefully and lifted her head to glance at the surroundings as she considered this proposal. She looked directly at Mu Liufeng to clarify a point she'd been pondering, "Does this mean that in the future, if it comes down to fight with someone stronger than me or who has a backer stronger than me, you will be my backer and fight for me?"

"I suppose one could interpret it that way," mused Mu Liufeng seriously as he also stroked his chin in deep consideration.

"Then, my answer is yes!" declared Ling Chuxi firmly as she smacked her fist into her own palm in revelation. Having a backer as strong as Mu Liufeng wasn't a bad thing at all! If she were to explore the benefits of this arrangement further, she recalled Ling Yichen saying that Mu Liufeng was someone even the principal could not touch. This was great. Mu Liufeng would be a really strong backer. What's more was that he loved flattery and was as vain as anything, which meant that he was easy to coax. If anyone was keeping score of this matter, it seemed as though Ling Chuxi had gained the upper hand with this arrangement. Therefore, having thought through all these points, Ling Chuxi happily agreed to become the disciple of Mu Liufeng!

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