Ten - Tyler

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chapter song - bitch by allie x

chapter song - bitch by allie x

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Kyle won't stop laughing.

I've been lying on the couch for ten minutes straight, letting him laugh his ass off, before deciding that I'll make a sandwich while I wait. My phone sits on the counter while he wheezes through the speaker at me.

While aggressively taking a bite out of my dull sandwich, Kyle manages to catch his breath and I scowl at the phone.

"I can't believe out of every girl in Toronto," Kyle says. "You ended up with-"

Another wheeze cuts him off and I sigh, slumping forward so my elbows rest on the countertop, the hard marble indenting my skin. I take another bite of the sandwich but the bread is chewy (and kind of sweet) and it just looks sad the more I stare at my pitiful creation.

"You're the only man I know who would go out for a quick one night stand only to end up with his ex," Kyle gasps out.

I roll my eyes. "We didn't even do anything."

"What, you didn't even have sex?" he asks.

"No, we were both drunk as shit. Clothes were mostly still on and everything."

"So...so you made out like teenagers, which is actually kind of fitting because High School sweethearts and everything-"


"-and then passed out fully clothed on the bed before anything could happen."

I sigh. "Yes, technically, yes that's what happened."

There's a short pause on the other end of the phone. "That's not even funny, that's just sad."

"Kyle! For the love of God!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he laughs. "Look, it's probably better that you didn't do anything. You did seem like you wanted to see her again."

"Yeah, as a friend," I say and Kyle scoffs.

"Uh, no, that's definitely not how this will end up."

"Goodbye Kyle."

"Wait, wait, wait!" he calls out, frazzled. I grunt, dropping my head until my forehead touches the counter. "Have you been ignoring your manager?"

"Of course I have. I'm on a therapeutic vacation and I'm unemployed."

"Well, he managed to get a hold of my number and has been harassing me about you," Kyle says.

I lift my head up and frown. "Why would he...its only been a couple of days, nothing could have happened. Did he tell you what he wanted?"

"No, he just said that you need to call him back as soon as you can."

I groan. It feels like it's barely been a day here in Toronto and any kind of rest of release of stress seems to feel completely impossible to find now.

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