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Vicky West

I had never dreamed about sharing my turbulent relationship, with Harry, with someone other than Red. Marcel chewed on the skin around his fingernails absentmindedly, as he listened closely to my story. He raised his eyebrows, in shock, as I shared even the most sexually and emotionally provocative aspects of mine and Harry’s relationship. It felt good to finally acquire a man’s perspective — even if he just so happened to be the most feminine male I knew.

I leaned back in my chair — exhausted — when the story was over. Marcel adjusted his slick hair, surprisingly possible with the amount of gel it had in it, and stroked his huge beard. “I never thought Mr. Styles would act that way. I’ve seen him doing things with women that are in no way acceptable, but this is beyond reason. The amount of asinine attitude shoved into that man’s personality is unbelievable.’’

“Preach it, Marcel.’’ Red said, and she raised her hand to give him a high-five. “I’m glad you’re in the Anti-Harry club.’’

“Red!’’ I spoke angrily. ‘’What is the ‘anti-Harry’ club?’’

“I was bored, so I made an imaginary club in which we all hate Harry. Welcome — however, let’s focus on the skank of the century: Carmen.’’ Red’s gaze hardened, and Marcel nodded in agreement. It was evident that Red and Marcel were conniving masterminds, great to have as friends, horrible to have as anything less than so. “Give me your opinion on her — I personally think she’s disgusting, can practically see the sluttiness oozing out of her pores.’’ Red spoke to Marcel, and I listened anxiously for his answer.

“First I thought she was a nice girl and a good dancer, but now that she’s talked with Harry so casually I can see a change in her behaviour.’’ He mentioned, I saw Red nodded. “Harry acts a certain way whenever new dancers come to the club, but Carmen takes him to another level.’’

“Another level, what do you mean?’’ I asked him while I crossed my legs.

“Let me start at the beginning. I originally worked for Harry’s grandfather; I started when I was young, and I’ve just been here ever since — his grandfather was a lovely man. I was captivated by the amount of beauty this club held, and I wanted to be a part of it.’’ Marcel started, and my interest piqued at the mention of Harry’s grandfather. Harry had told me he got the club instead of his father, but he never divulged on the secrets of his family.

“Harry loved the Moulin Rouge, and he got the club when his grandfather died. I don’t think people realize that being thrown into an industry like this at such a young age has serious consequences.’’ He mentioned. “Harry was nothing shy of a young, hormonal boy. He was rich, successful, and extremely good looking; it wasn’t hard for him to interest the hoards of women that walked through that door.” The thought of a younger Harry’s womanizing antics didn’t please me, but this was long before me, and I couldn’t judge a person I didn’t know.

“He didn’t get every woman, but he got a lot. I had tried to look out for him at first, telling him multiple times that these girls were only interested in what he had to offer and not him, but he didn’t care so eventually I stopped trying. It was just the casual flings, and sleeping around, nothing too risky, but then he met William Purdy.’’

“I’m familiar with him,’’ I told Marcel.

“Me too, but not in the same way as you guys I think.’’ Red told us confusingly. Marcel and I looked at each other warily, but we knew that Red wouldn’t understand anything about Harry’s previous lifestyle until we explained it to her. “I’m assuming worse things now,’’ She spoke, as Marcel and I continued to stare at each other. Of course she needed to know, but she hated Harry enough as it was, and regardless of the fact that he was a selfish twat — he was still our boss.

Lush Corruption  | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 2  ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن