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Jungkook woke up with a heavy head in the morning. He had a feeling that something is going to be wrong. But somehow he managed to collect himself and started his day in college.

"Hey, a notice has arrived that the PhD students will take our lectures for a few weeks. It's something like their practicals." Mingyu said to the whole group.

"Hmm it will be good for them , they'll get to revise the previous knowledge that way." Cha Eun Wo nodded saying this.

We were sitting on benches and the lecture wasn't started yet. Our seniors entered the classroom giving high five to each one of us.

"So man from today onward, the PhD students will teach you right?" Hoseok asked circling his arm around my neck.

"Yeah man looks like now it's going to be fun", Mingyu said.

"Hahah it surely is fun and the way students teach makes it more interesting than the teachers." Kai said.

"Next year we'll be teaching the new PG students if we'll be doing PhD obvious." Jimin said.

"Hmm it's fun until you get Kim Taehyung." Chanyeol said calmly sighing a little as well.

"Uhh Kim Taehyung? I've read his name in the scholars board. He has topped straight for five years. Then why not?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin eyed him making a thin line of his lips, "He's still dumb. Dude he's the scholar but he's damn difficult to deal with."

"Uhh why? Who's he?"

Kai smacked on my head a little , "he's the same guy you kissed idiot. Yaaa you come here , say some abusive words to him ." He called the same guy whom they teased for being Mama's boy .

"You disgust piece of shit !" He shouted.

"See that's how you grow Mama's boy. Well done we're proud of you." He patted on his back .

"And lost shit Jungkook get your shit together and don't get on Taehyung's bad side." Hoseok patted him .

"Hmmm alright but seriously I never thought that he would be one of the toppers. I thought that this Kim Taehyung would be some geek but a delinquent with a sharp mind. Damn a package."

"Package you said? Bro he's mysterious, you'll only get to hear rumors about him. Some say he's an orphan, some say his parents are divorced. He's so damn poor that he needs scholarship to live in dorm, or he's so damn rich that he doesn't care much about anything and he also has that expensive motorbike as some people say he borrowed it from someone or maybe it's the money. Some even says he's addicted to drugs or something."

"Huh? These all are rumors?" Jungkook asked.

"There are many more like having so many girlfriends and all ahhh don't know ." Jimin said a scratching his head.

"Ok guys we'll leave you all enjoy with the PhD girl teacher if you'll get one." They all bid byes to everyone in the group.

All the students were waiting in the class room. It's been 15 minutes and no one arrived for teaching them.

"Hey do you think , someone is coming to teach us or not?" Mingyu asked little irritated.

"I don't know Mann", the others sighed.

"If someone doesn't come within five minutes from now, I'm going to report." Jungkook said sighing.

Three minutes passed and nothing happened , Jungkook stood up and turned around to head towards the director's room. The moment he picked his bag, the door burst open.
Everyone in the class went wide eyes. A cloud full of smoke entered the classroom before a person entered. Within a second, a figure entering could be recognized from the smoke.

Everyone's vision got cleared and that's when they recognized it's him.
"Dude sit down" Mingyu made Jungkook sit back .

Taehyung entered the classroom, his bag hung loosely on his one side , the black goggles he was wearing sinfully sitting on his nose bridge, the way he one more time smoked the cigarette and threw it behind him. His blonde hair shining from the sunlight which was entering through the windows and open door. He walked past the benches to reach the teacher's desk.

He plopped his bag on the desk and sat down beside it. He ran his eyes through the whole class after removing his goggles and sighed. Jungkook was just trying to avoid gazes with him. He made his face look down towards the book on the bench so that he doesn't recognize him.

"My name is Kim Taehyung, I'll be teaching you Formal Models in Computer Science , Computer Networks and Advances in Operating System for these few coming weeks. And if I don't get straight A in my practical, I'll screw you all sitting here. So let's study, we're already late."
He said in deep voice rubbing his hands together to get started.

He picked the black marker and wrote three words on board.
1. Floccinaucinihilipilification
2. Preasscorbatt Synchronization
3. Aphrodinginsinc Transfer Mode

"You mfs have the whole lecture, tell me the meaning of these three words written here. I'll stop you all just before 15 minutes the lecture gets over. Use your books and put your phone aside from this. So start."

He sat back down on the desk reading every face in the class room and everyone was rushing to know the meaning of the given three words looking through every book.

Jungkook's eyes landed on Kim Taehyung in between searching, to which he saw him staring back at him. He somehow felt to fight that gaze. He stared back for few seconds but his friends pulled him back in search.

35 minutes just passed like that and no one was able to find any answer.
"Hmmm so that's your dedication, tell me the answer now. It's time." Taehyung said banging the table.

Nothing came out of the students, "well that's what I was expecting .... Hmm so tell me who was excited when I first came here to teach you? .... Did any one of you think you'll be able to get something new from this kid standing here ?" He pointed at himself.

Everyone was quiet but Jungkook raised his hand as a yes to his question. Taehyung eyed him and nodded.

"Or all you brats thought that this is just a race where you have to win from others? How many of you truly love computer engineering and are here without any pressure from anyone ?" Jungkook again raised his hand with some other guys as well.

"Hmm impressive , you know this subject is my love and I respect it that's why I'm doing it and if you guys can't find your passion in it, then these classes are just waste. Ohhh and it's your fucking future. All I care about is that I'm here for my practical so gain as much as you can from me during these classes. And.... " 

He eyed left and right in thinking and said "See you in next class."

He picked up his bag with his goggle and started leaving when suddenly a girl from crowd asked , "But sir (respect for senior) at least tell us the meaning of the words written there."

Taehyung stopped in his tracks and said in deep voice, " They don't have any meaning , they are just some made up words. "

The whole class went wide eyes and jaw dropped. "Wahhh he literally made us search these meaningless words for half an hour."

Jungkook was just amazed by him but he also didn't want to be on his bad side so he picked his bag and followed him.

{Teaching scene is taken from "3idiots" movie🖤}

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