Chapter 34: Hostage

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Addie POV:

I felt nervous for the meeting at first but when Xander put the attention on me, every single person in that room easily gave me just as much attention as they'd been giving him before we started. It seemed to truly not matter to them that I was getting us started and Tess told me it wasn't just because of the Luna thing but also because the dinner really helped make them feel confident that I knew when to make a good call, even if it meant arguing with Xander.

It was kind of awesome. I tended to take leadership roles pretty easily when I was in school but this was way better because it wasn't a terrible group project where one person did the work and everyone else sucked. They all had parts to play and all led different parts of the pack without seeming to slack. Xander was right, it was like we were a whole body working together.

If I didn't have it bad for Xander before, I certainly did after that. He seemed so dominant a lot of the time so I expected pushback when I told him I wanted to do the talking so I would actually be able to keep up with what was happening. Instead, he seemed incredibly happy about it and only chimed in when there was something I didn't know or something I forgot about but he didn't talk over me or interrupt me. Not once.

He'd never been sexier.

It was apparently his turn to lead a run after the meeting so he grudgingly left after giving me a kiss that left me aching something horrible. I swear he knew what he was doing before I even saw the stupid smirk on his face as he ran out the door.

I headed downstairs after he left because I had nothing else to do and walked in on Kaden on the couch in the weirdest position. I paused in the doorway and tilted my head but he seemed too into the book he was reading to notice me. He laid with his back on the seat cushions and his legs over the backend of the couch, his head hanging upside down off the edge with the book in front of his face.

"Why are you laying like that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

He slowly lowered his book and tilted his head to the side, I guessed because he was looking at me upside down from this position unless he tilted his head. He didn't answer right away, just assessed his position then shrugged, letting his legs fall into the couch and sitting upright like a normal person.

"It's a valid question but I really don't have an answer," he grinned, marking the page in his book and setting it down. I raised an eyebrow questioningly and walked in, sitting in the loveseat next to the couch. "Sometimes when I start reading I just end up in weird positions," he said, scratching the back of his head. "It's not a conscious decision."

"I see," I giggled, crossing my legs and leaning back in my seat. "So you like the same kinds of books Xander does?" I asked, nodding to the cover which looked like some alien planet and a spaceship on it.

"Yeah," he nodded. "We've been passing books back and forth since we were kids. Do you read?"

"Not much," I shrugged. "I'm more of a binge TV shows kind of person. Who plays?" I asked, nodding to the guitar in the corner.

"I do," he said, grinned. "You like the guitar?"

I nodded and his smile widened as he hopped up and grabbed the guitar before plopping down on the couch.

"Oh Goddess," Tess groaned, walking into the room and plopping down next to me. "Don't encourage him. He'll never stop singing," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I have a delightful voice," Kaden defended, strumming the guitar.

"You have a mediocre voice," Tess shrugged. "You're going to regret bringing this up. He'll never stop," she said, nudging me with her elbow.

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