18. Meteor Shower

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"Hi! So, there's this meteor shower that supposed to be happening and I was wondering if you wanted to go up in the mountains so we can watch it?" 

Maddie smiled, her phone between her ear and shoulder as she chopped up some vegetables for dinner. "Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun, what time?" 

"I'll come and pick you up at 11?" 

"Sounds good, I'll be ready!" 

Maddie grinned as she hung up the phone. 

"What're you two doing this time?" Hanna asked, stirring a pot of soup. 

"We're gonna watch the meteor shower." 

"I don't know how you two can go on spontaneous dates like that; it would drive me absolutely crazy." 

Maddie laughed. "I know, Hanna." 


A few hours later, Maddie was in Shane's car, headed up to the mountains. 

Once they were up there, Shane found a good spot to park and spread out a blanket on the hood of his car. The two got on, laying back and looking up at the sky. 

It was a little cold, so Maddie leaned her head onto Shane's shoulder. He took the cue and put his arm around her. 

"Look!" she pointed at the sky. 

"Did ya see one?" 

"Yeah, it was quick. You gotta pay attention." 

Shane squinted up at the sky, keeping a diligent eye out for any meteors. "Oh, I see one!" 

Maddie laughed. "Yeah?" 


"You should make a wish on one."


"You've never made a wish on a shooting star before?" 

"Well, these are meteors, not shooting stars." 

"Yeah, same difference," Maddie laughed, rolling her eyes.

Shane chuckled and rested his head on top of Maddie's. 

They laid there, watching as the bursts of light flew across the sky. 

Around 2 am, they decided to start heading back home. 

Before Shane dropped Maddie off, they stopped and had an early breakfast at a nearly empty IHOP; the only other people in there were a group of tired looking teenagers. 

Just before she got out of the car, Maddie leaned in for a quick kiss and then retreated through her apartment doors, waving giddily at Shane in the car. 

This was their 8th month of dating each other. Maddie was planning on many, many more. 



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