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☆ mentions of blood !


Y/n woke up the next morning with sun rays spilling through the window onto her face, pollen flying through the air. She rubbed the sting of sleep from her eyes and noticed a note taped to the window, so she snatched it and read it.

I have something to deal with, I'll try to be back before you wake up. Figured you needed the sleep. - 5

She set the note back down and checked the time, it was still early in the day. Walking into the hall, she saw Five

"Would you be quite? She'll hear you." Five stressed, entering his room again.

"Who will hear you?" Y/n asked, leaning against the door frame and crossed her arms.

"Go back to sleep, Y/n."

"I'm not tired. What are we doing?" She questioned and walked into Fives room.

He sighed in defeat, "We need to get information on this." He lightly tossed her a prosthetic eye.

"Well, I don't have anything better to do." She threw the eye back to him, "Why is Klaus coming along?"

"I need a parent figure there."

"I get to be Fives dear old dad. You can be his... girlfriend!" Klaus exclaimed, booping her nose.

"Never do that again." She whispered to him.


"I already told your son. Any information on clients and the prosthetics we make here are strictly confidential. Without the clients consent, I simply can't help you." Lance, the doctor, repeated in an agitated tone.

"We can't get consent if you don't give us a name." Y/n hissed, leaning on the desk.

"Well, Young lady, that's not my problem."

"Call me young lady again and see what happens." She threatened in a whisper.

"What about my consent?" Klaus asked sadly with a hand his chest, while Five pulled Y/n back gently.

"Excuse me?" The doctor turned to Klaus as if just realizing he was there.

"Who gave you my permission to touch my son and his girlfriend?" Klaus questioned, pointing to Five and Eight.

"I didn't touch your son or his girlfriend."

"Then, how did she get that hand print on her cheek and how did he get that swollen lip?" Klaus stood from his seat slowly and landed a punch on Fives face, drawing some blood from his lip. He turned and grabbed Y/n's blazer, striking her cheek with his palm.

"I want it. Name, please. Now." Klaus demanded, turning back to the doctor.

"You're crazy." Lance told him shakily, backing up in his chair.

"You got no idea." Klaus replied, eying the snow globe on his desk, "Peace on earth. That is so sweet." He commented before taking it and smashing it into his head.

The doctor stood and backed away as Five and Y/n jumped back a bit.

Lance reached for the phone, "I'm calling security." Klaus snatched the receiver from his hand.

"There's been an assault in Mr.Bigs office. We need security now. Schnell!" Klaus screamed into the receiver before dropping it.

"Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant," Klaus started, "In about 60 seconds two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and their gonna see a whole lot of blood and their gonna wonder; 'What the hell happened?', and we're gonna tell them that you... beat the shit out of us." Klaus faked sobbed at the end.

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