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Probably it was because there had been infinite expectations and hopes, but in the end they all ended in disappointment. So when Yu Yan first heard that his father woke up, his first reaction was that he couldn't believe it, and even some didn't dare to see him. His father, afraid of being a fake, is disappointed again...

But he saw Yu Yan smiling.

Because of the joy and excitement, when the smile bloomed, she showed her white and lovely teeth, and her beautiful, clear and beautiful eyes looked at him like black gems, blinking and drenching more moving tears.

"Xiao Yun, Dad really woke up..."

Yu Yan cried with joy and choked! Even Yu Yan couldn't believe it. She had imagined countless times when Father Xiao woke up, perhaps when she was out for a walk with Mother Xiao, or when Mother Xiao was reading a newspaper for him, or in a certain At this moment, he would suddenly open his eyes and tell them that he has slept too long, so tired, and wants to go out.

She had never thought that such a sudden and unexpected, such a sudden and unexpected, which made people excited and happy suddenly and unexpectedly!

Father Xiao really woke up--

The choked voice and joy of the gloomy face seemed to Xiao Yun as natural.

...Dad is awake?

He finally understood the word, moved his eyes slowly and quickly, finally saw his father, opened his eyes--


The news of Mr. Xiao's waking up exploded in Xiao's house. Staff from the medical team rushed to conduct an inspection. Mother Xiao, who was caring for flowers and plants in the back garden, threw the watering bottle and ran away. No accident happened.

Mother Xiao saw her husband who opened her eyes, and the tears she had endured for a long time finally fell. She didn't mention it on her face for these two months, but she couldn't help but feel relieved. She held her breath in her heart. She may become a vegetative person. Now that she saw her husband open her eyes with her own eyes, her legs softened and she almost fell to the ground!

Yu Yan helped the old lady to sit down, "Mom, don't get excited, Dad is awake, you have to take care of yourself."

Mother Xiao nodded, muttering: "I know, I know..."

Yu Yan glanced at Xiao Yun. He stood by the wall, pressing his fingers on his lips, staring at the hospital bed in confusion.

He is not at peace, and the waiting before dawn is always the most grueling.

The black cat ran up meowly, rubbing around Yu Yan's feet, Assistant Chen also followed the black cat, and the black cat saw him and disappeared.

No one cares at this moment, even Xiao Yun doesn't care where it goes.

Until more than half an hour later, the doctor gave them certain news. Father Xiao woke up, it was only because of illness and lethargy that there would be some sequelae. What needs to be done now is the later rehabilitation.

"What are the sequelae?"

The doctor explained that although Mr. Xiao woke up and became conscious, he might have some problems with the movement of his hands and feet. The hands are better than the legs because the hands can at least be moved slightly, but the legs and feet only have some perception, but as long as they are active With treatment, recovery is also possible.

Such a conclusion makes Yu Yan's happy mood unavoidable. This means that Father Xiao will be unable to take care of himself in his actions and life. How big a blow should this be to a successful father Xiao who has never bowed his head? Father Xiao will regret waking up...

This Marriage, I've Given It Away (MTL) [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt