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08 | eight

Stacey had never been one for making small talk.

That showed profusely throughout dinner with her 'date' and his family. There was Scottie's mother and father along with his much older brother and his wife who had two small kids around four years old.

The diner was small and quaint with colourful tiled walls and red booths with padded seating. Stacey felt awkward when walking into the diner but as Scottie put a hand on her back and brought her towards the table where a large family was seated, she felt a little bit more at ease.

They had ordered milkshakes all round and apparently this was something they did – a family ritual of sorts.

It was then that Stacey had to force a smile on her face. Her own family didn't even want her around them anymore. They had no family rituals. No movie night on Tuesday, eat out night every other week or a day where she sat with her parents in the same room for more than twenty minutes.

Someone was always busy now and although Stacey wanted to force all the blame onto her parents – she knew that her 'slutty' outlook on life was one of the reasons that they were becoming distant.

But then again, what was the problem?

Sure, a parent didn't want to hear that their child had been sleeping around all over the place, but there were other ways to handle it rather than just throw Stacey away as if she had never existed.

Was it really that bad to be a 'slut'?

Stacey had sex.

That was all she did and it wasn't as if the guys didn't know what they were getting into. They were just as guilty as her. She had brought herself into this way of life for Axel. The idea that you have sex and then left before morning was a usual routine now.

And it was all because of Axel; the boy who didn't realize what he had right in front of him.

"So you know Scottie from school, right?" Scottie's mom asked from where she was sat directly across from Stacey.

Stacey glanced out of the corner of her eye but saw Scottie talking with the rest of his family and realized that she didn't have him to try and save her. She turned back to his mom and smiled.

"Yeah," she said, taking a sip of the milkshake that came in a huge metal cup with a large straw poking out of it.

"That's nice." His mom smiled and Stacey gave her own one back.

Why had she even agreed to this?

Why had she agreed to go out and meet with the parents of a boy she didn't know? Of a boy that she thought she would be having sex with tonight to then run before the sun came up?

But although Stacey had her qualms and she felt nervous; dinner had been great.

She laughed and talked and ate as much as she could. She didn't feel like she had to keep up her appearances or hide the laughable snort that came out once or twice.

She felt – in that small moment – that she actually belonged somewhere.

And Stacey knew deep down why she had agreed to go out that night.

It was because she was curious.

Curious to see what a date like this was like.

And then Stacey grinned as she leaned back in her seat, looking over at the loud family laughing and talking over their food as she realized something.

It was her first date.

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