Chapter 44

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I regretted not having packed more during my great escape

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I regretted not having packed more during my great escape. Four days into my renewed stay at the Russel's I had to already do laundry. Heather sat in the center of my bed as I folded the little clothing I had and smiled at me. She hadn't said more than two words since we'd made it to my borrowed room. It was unlike her to stay this quiet for as long as she had. Especially without something to occupy her attention.

"Feeling okay, Heather?"

"I'm a little confused." Not a good start to what I'm sure was a conversation I didn't want to have. There was also a good chance that I just walked right into whatever trap she had been setting.

"I don't know why the sky is blue either. That might be a question better left to Mr. Elis."

"You've been with multiple guys."

"You make it sound like I'm easy."

"Let me finish," she sighed. "You dated, more or less, and you haven't taken that leap. Why is that?"

"Did Lucas put you up to this? Seriously, Luke. My precious virtue is intact and in safe hands."

"Have you thought about it at all?"

"About losing my virginity?" She shrugged, picking up one of my more colorful pairs of panties. And I don't me in the rainbow sense. I snagged the lacey object from her and stuffed toward the bottom of the basket. "No. Unlike some people I don't plan things like that. It should be an in the moment decision."

"Like winning state?"

"What is this all about, Heather?"

"Joe and I were talking last night. He might have mentioned a few things that would surprise you." Damn her and her bait. The smirk proving that she knew more than me was feeding my curiosity. "There is a possibility that you aren't the only who's been waiting."

"You're kidding?"

"Your darling boytoy has only scored on the field, little Laine." She looked like she was ready to squeal from the sight of Santa. Her hands smacked the duvet repeatedly with a huge grin. "Can you imagine how romantic it will be? Strong, confident Finn all hesitant and checking to see how you feel about it all. You looking up at him knowing how perfect the moment is."

"I would really prefer that you stop thinking about Finn and me in any sort of intimate moment. Especially our first time. Regardless of how monumental or romantic you may believe it to be."

"I'm just saying. If he got tips from those friends of his..." Her eyes fluttered as she collapsed back onto the pillows. "Girl, you're going to be in heaven for weeks after."

If my brother and Shane's exploits weren't enough to convince me that they knew what they were doing, then Heather's pillow talk about Joseph was. Hearing that Finn was in the same boat as me was surprising to say the least. He had girls hanging off of him before we were together then there was Melody.

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