Chapter Sixty

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"Excuse me, Miss," Marinette curtseyed in the doorway. "But you told me to come get you when your dresses were ready and I've just finished them." She was speaking so fast it was hard to understand her. "I'll just go and come back later."

"No, it's fine," I smiled. "Just bring the dresses up to my room. I'll be right up."

I turned to Clarence. "Sorry." I frowned. "I really can't delegate this task. I have to try on my dresses for tomorrow."

His fierce gaze seemed to pierce right through me as his eyes wandered from my eyes down to my lips and beyond. He sighed and pulled away from me. "Okay, go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Couldn't get rid of me if you tried." I smiled, closing the space he had created to give him one more kiss before leaving. When I got to the door, I turned around and leaned on the door frame. "You're going to like it, you know," I teased him. "My dress, I mean."

I heard him groan as the doors closed behind me. I put my hand to my mouth, savouring the feeling of his lips on mine as I slowly walked away from the ballroom.

I made my way up the grand staircase and down the hallway towards my room. I didn't stop for the guards to open the door, instead opting to open it myself and fly into the room. When I closed the doors behind me, I put my back to the door and tipped my head back. I knew one thing for sure. I was not giving him up that easily.

"Marinette?" I called, walking towards my bedroom. "Are you here?"

"Yes, Miss," came her small voice from inside my closet. "I'm just making sure everything is in order."

"You can say you thought I'd take longer. It's okay." I laughed when I saw her face.

She blushed and hid her face in her hands. "I'm so sorry about that, Miss. I should have had them announce me properly. I was really excited about--"

I held up my hand to stop her. "It's really okay, Marinette. I told you to get me when the dresses were ready and they are, so let's get to work."

"Right, yes. The dresses." Marinette scurried this way and that, appearing flustered as she tried to sort through the various items laying on my bed between us. "I'm sorry, Miss. I've been working on this day and night and I'm a little tired."

"How about we start with the day dress," I offered. "We might as well do them in the order I'm going to wear them."

"Okay, yeah," she fiddled with the fabric on the bed again. "Let's start with the day dress."

Once I had slipped into it, Marinette slid the zipper up and fastened the hook at the top. She then picked up her pins and set about inserting them in various places where the dress didn't fit just right.

While she worked, I looked at myself in the mirror. With my hair slightly disheveled and no jewelry, it was hard to imagine myself out at a royal garden party. But even without the finishings of a royal event, this dress was magical. It was cocktail length and fitted, with a very wide neckline showing off most of my shoulders. Even in the dull light of my room the gown shimmered as the forest green underlay shone through the golden overskirt.

"It's beautiful," I said as Marinette worked. "And very appropriate colours."

She chuckled. "Well, you said you wanted something that shouted Montalivet."

"And you delivered." I smiled, smoothing the skirt with my hands and imagining myself at the royal garden party.

Marinette swatted at my hands with hers. "Don't do that, Genevieve. I'm trying to work here!"

"Sorry!" I put my hands up in defense. "I didn't mean to."

"Put your arms down, Genevieve. I can't work like this."

I laughed, putting my arms down by my side and remaining very still as Marinette added more and more pins to the dress.

"Okay," she said finally, "it's time for you to get into your ball gown."

* * *

The next morning, Marinette woke me up as usual, but looking much more tired than she usually did.

"Are you all right, Marinette?" I asked. "I'm sure I can get someone else to help me. You should sleep."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." She smiled and walked over to draw the curtains. "I made these dresses. Now let me be proud of them!"

"Okay," I laughed with her. "If you insist."

"I do," she said. "Now sit down so we can start your hair. Princess Madeline had this jewelry sent up if you like. And the queen has requested this necklace." She held up a necklace that looked like a knot tied out of gold.

"What does it mean?" I asked, taking it gingerly between my fingers.

"It's an old symbol." Marinette took the charm to look at it more closely. "I don't know what it means, actually, but it's a very old symbol in our country. You'll see it everywhere if you walk around town and the like."

A small part of me wondered if this wasn't some kind of trap to make me look bad and get me out of her son's life. But at some point you just have to take a leap of faith. "Okay," I said finally, "let's wear them."

Marinette clapped and sped away to the closet to pick out my other accessories like shoes and a clutch while I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. No one wants a princess who forgot to brush her teeth.

I sat down at the table and handed Marinette pins as she did my hair in some fancy style where it was pinned halfway off my face.

"Is the queen going to accept this for formal attire?" I asked tentatively once Marinette had finished.

"Do I look that new to you?" She put her hands on her hips and pretended to be stern. "I'll be changing it before the ball this evening."

I laughed, shaking my head at her. "I can't believe you."

"Now," she said, holding my jewelry out to me. "Let's really make you sparkle."

"Not yet!" I swirled around to see her smirking.

"I know, I know. I'll save the really shiny ones for this evening. Now turn around."

She motioned with her hand and I spun around so she could put the necklace around my neck. After one more look at my hair, makeup and outfit, I thanked Marinette for her help and picked up my clutch. "I think it's time I start this day."

"Good luck!" she called after me.

"Thanks," I waved at her as I waited for the guards to open the doors to the hallway. I'm going to need it. 


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