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Chicago ;

"Damn I gotta go." Milly said standing up then he pulled his pants up

"I don't want chu to leave..." Masiah poked her bottom lip

"I know.. but I got too." Milly said pecking her lips

"Fix ya face." Milly said as Masiah pouted and he kissed her lips

"Stayyy." Masiah pouted

"I-damn I gotta go." Milly pecked her lips quickly then he disappeared making her frown

"I said Skrrrrttt we here bitch." Eli and Nelly popped up and Masiah smiled

"We can only stay for five hours." Eli said

"Okay , y'all know when Milly comeback up?" Masiah said

"Nah he on demon hours so nigga could come back in three months" Nelly joked and Masiah started to catch a attitude

'His dumb ass Gon leave me. Stupid ass bitch.' Masiah thought

' You better calm tha fuck down. Don't play wimme watch ya mouth. And I ain't coming back in three months nigga a liar' Milly said in her head

' Then when are you coming back' Masiah asked in her thoughts

' Don't kno- It's a fucking party up in here!' Nelly said going into Masiah thoughts also and Milly sucked his teeth and Nelly laughed and went out her thoughts

"You so weird." Masiah shook her head at nelly

"We should bring her to hell." Eli suggested

"Get smacked the fuck up." Milly shadow said and Nelly and Eli sucked they teeth

"I wanna come." Masiah smiled

"You straight." Milly shadow said

"Why?" Masiah asked

"Cause im working." Milly shadow said

"Demons have jobs?" Masiah asked

"Yea this nigga a gatekeeper." Eli laughed

"Pooookie I wanna come. Please." Masiah said

"Cmon bra." Milly shadow said disappearing and Masiah smiled

"Yay," Masiah said

"Roadddd trip!" Nelly snapped his fingers and they were in hell

Masiah saw Milly making her smile she was about run over and hug him

"He can't be bothered when working." Mali said and Masiah pouted

"Uhm and guess what Milly gives 0 fucks about the rules of this place." Nelly said and Eli laughed

"Tha fuck you standing right Thea fa cmere." Milly said and Masiah smiled big and ran and hugged him

"I missed youu." Masiah said as he kissed her forehead

"Hell nah step yo ass back." Milly said one of the people who was waking up to the gate

"Damn how yo fine ass end up here." A boy outside the gate said to Masiah

"I'll make it to where you can't watch ova ya family. Test it." Milly said to him and the boy backed up from the gate

"I know he not chasing this nigga with a torch." Milly said watching Eli chase Nelly

"AHAHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" Eli screamed as he chased nelly with a torch

"This nigga such a psycho" Mali shook his head watching Eli chase Nelly With a torch

"When do you get off?" Masiah asked

"In four hours." Milly said a Masiah frowned

"I know damn well he ain't bring a ho to hell." Lucifer said

"Ho?" Masiah scrunched her face up

"Chill out you big bitch , go back up there with Hera." Milly said

"Mmmtch I'm finna go fuck with Rasiah.." Lucifer said and Tremani raised his eyebrow

"Just kidding." Lucifer said laughing nervously

"That nigga scare me." Lucifer whispered Then He disappeared

"Y'all know Bebe in hell?" Eli said watching Bebe ride past in her golf cart

"Heller. How ya doing." Bebe waved

"BAE WAIT FOR ME!" Eli yelled running after Bebe golf cart

"All these relationships make me wanna not get one." Nelly said and Masiah shook her head

"Who in relationships?" Masiah asked

"Eli chasing after Bebe. Toxic. You and Milly." Nelly said

Bebe: Eli ain't real.😭 juss doing this for tha book

"We not in no relationship.." Masiah said

"She playing with her life today." Milly said

"I'm playingggggg." Masiah said kissing his lips

"Yea no Lucifer gon have to get somebody else, swear I'm not standing here all day." Milly said walking away from where he was supposed to be at while holding Masiah hand

"What y'all do all day down here?" Masiah asked as they walked in a house

"Nothing, unless we gotta work." Milly said sitting on one of the couches and Masiah sat on his lap

"Don't fuck in my house." Nelly said walking in his house and Masiah laughed

"Nobody fucking." Milly said

"DevilBurger really tha shit." Eli walked in nelly house eating a burger

"They be like , DevilBurger home of tha DevilBurger May I take your order." Nelly said

"I just laugh in they face cause like what nigga." Eli said

Bebe: the movie is goodburger 😭

"You know Lucifer gon call you back." Nelly said and Milly shrugged his shoulders

"Mil-stoppp." Masiah said as Milly pulled on her nose ring

"Tha fuck is that." Milly asked

"A nose ring." Masiah said fixing it

"You ugly." Milly said

"Yea no." Masiah said standing up but Milly pulled her back down on his lap

"I'm playing." Milly said pecking her lips

"Yuck relationships." Eli said and Nelly scrunched his face up

"Your in one." Nelly said

"Em em." Eli said eating his fries

"Ooooouuu I'm telling Bebe!" Nelly said getting up running out the door

"Bra I'm playing!" Eli said running after him

Bebe: uhmmmm hey.😀 Milly and Masiah cute tho 🥰

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