1. Recognition

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Pulling my sweatshirt sleeves done over my fingertips I hurriedly speed up my walking pace to the gas station. It's 11:00 pm on a Friday night and my cramps were telling me to get food. So what do I think to do as a typical dumb teenage girl, I walk in the middle of the night. I could of drove my car but I honestly needed fresh air and besides, the gas station was only a 10 minute walk from my house... and I have pepper spray attached to my lanyard along with my keys. I was gonna be fine, I do this all the time.

When I turned onto the street where the gas station was I was expecting the familiar sight of an empty parking lot. This time however, there was about 4 cars parked outside. Assuming 1 was Val's, the store owner, I wondered who the other 3 cars belonged to. The weird part about it was that the 3 cars sitting weren't just regular looking cars. They all looked so.. extortionate. I gawked at the cars as I stepped onto the sidewalk of the station. One was totally black out except for the silver shiny rims on the tires. That one was definitely my favorite. One was a girly white color but the black tinted windows and the all black tires made up for it. And the last one had a neon colors all over it looking very boyish like. Whoever these cars belonged to had hecka money. I had a new deep gray Honda Civic and I thought my car was nice... these cars were a 10/10 and I was a solid 6. People in this town don't have a lot of money like that so assumed they must just be stopping by. By the looks of the cars I could tell the owners were young. I just couldn't see a old guy driving any of them.

'I wonder if there cute,' I thought to myself.

I looked down at my all navy blue nike jumpsuit that was little oversized and showed none of my curves. I should of just wore what I had on in school today. I chuckle at myself. I don't give a rat's butt what these guys think about me. I made pact to myself that I'll never date again after what happened with my ex and it's sure gonna stay that way.

Flicking a curl out of my face from my uncoordinated curly hair I open the door and go inside.

"Hi Ms. Val!" I say politely. Ms. Val has been the store owner here for awhile now and she's the sweetest old lady ever.

"Hi sweetheart!" She says adjusting the round clear glasses on her face. She stands up behind the counter she is at. "Ashley sweetie it's..." she trails off squinting at a nearby clock...11:15! What in the name of groundhogs are doing out this late."

"I'm sorry Ms. Val, I know this isn't smart but I was so hungry and McKayla won't be back until the morning," I say. Makayla was my older sister. She started working nightshifts at the doctors office she works in. She really doesn't have to though. We live comfortably in our apartment and both have cars. Not to mention the money my...birth giver gives us every month.

She looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"Okay but don't do this again. It's too dangerous this late even though we do live in Lexington," she says chuckling.

She was right to laugh. It's Lexington and nothing bad happens here. I think the worst crime anyone's every committed in this city was robbing a grocery store and that was literally 4 years ago.

"Okay pinkie promise I won't," I smile as I wave at her and head off to get my snacks. The gas station is pretty big compared to others and its modern on the inside as well. Me and my sister come here a lot. If I had a bestfriend then I would come here with her too...but I don't have many friends. The one friend that did I have moved away like sophomore year but I don't speak of him much.

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