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I'm standing in the Ashes
of who I used to be

Iris felt scared. Her heart was thumping like a drum when they arrived near the Quidditch pitch. The crowd was going wild, shouting and screaming. There were small stalls outside full of snacks and merchandise and the place was completely packed.

Iris looked around for Will, knowing that he was there was scary but not knowing exactly where he was, was worse. Her eyed were faltering her as everywhere she looked, she saw a shadow of him.

The girl turned around to see someone light a small match but her heart leaped at the sight of the fire. She was more and more paranoid. Grabbing a hold of George's hand, the girl squeezed it tightly.

"You okay?" George asked her and she nodded. "Too crowded right?" The girl nodded again.

"Let's get to Ginny" George weaved through the crowd with Iris. Percy, Fred, Audrey, Adeliene,Ron and Harry were there too. It was the first official match after the war and no one was going to miss it.

Ginny greeted them with the enthusiasm and excitement.
"You ready for the match?" Fred asked.

"I'm ready to kick some ass!" She replied.

"Specifically Oliver's ass!" The group laughed.

"Who are you supporting Perce?" George asked him, "your best friend or your sister?"

"Both!" Percy said and Iris signed it for him.

"That's not fair! You have to choose! I bet you 5 galleons that Holy will win!" George smirked at his brother.

"You're on! We've got Oliver!" Percy high-fived with George who didn't hear him but understood what Percy was saying.

"I'm going to meet Oliver, anyone want to join?" Percy asked the lot.

"Me!" Iris signed excitedly. Ever since Iris was young, she was a big supporter of the Pudlemeres. Her and Adeliene cheered for the team no matter what.

"Iris and I are definitely coming!" Adeliene was excited too, "We've supported them since forever!"

Percy chuckled at the girls' giddiness and walked with them to the other tent.

Percy walked into the tent and called out for Oliver Wood who was more than glad to see his best friend.
"You came!" He excitedly said to the boy. Oliver turned around, "Percy's here!" He shouted at no one in particular but soon a group of people came from further into the tent.

They all greeted Percy with hugs and kisses and asked him how he was. "Everybody, this is Iris and Adeline!" Percy introduces. Adeliene said hello to everyone and Iris waved, "they're rooting for your team Wood!"

"Who are you rooting for, Percy!? Me or your sister?"

"I have a bet with George, you better win!" Percy laughed.

"You must be Audrey's friends" A girl approached the two.

"Yes we are!" Adeliene said with excitement.

"Delilah, and this is Clarissa" The girl looked to her left and introduced her friend. Iris smiled and gave them a small wave.

Oliver was really nice to them and let them meet his entire team, which basically left Iris squealing internally and Adeline externally.

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now