Chapter 1

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The Summer semester had come to an end and was being wrapped up with the exams. This was the second exam the sophomore class of Ancient Cultures was writing in the week exams began. Across all departments and levels, students of the University of Göttingen were either in the exam hall or in the library studying for their next papers.

Dr Patrick was seated in front of the class waiting a few seconds more to officially begin that exam.

Everyone was ready to start reading questions and writing their answers, except Joshua, whose face was right under Elene's butt.

Ever since the event where she farted on Peter's face on the stage at the convocation ceremony, Peter became a hero. All the other guys in the class became jealous of him and henceforth began to compete to be Elene's fart slave whenever the opportunity showed itself.

Soon enough, Elene stopped sitting on ordinary chair. Only a human face was good enough to be her seat. In the library, at the cafeteria, during classes, during tests, and unbelievably during exams as well!

Since that event, every male face in her class has at least once served as her seat. And even some of the lecturers had been privileged to be facesat by her. It was like a badge of honour that males earn when Elene farts in their face or uses their face as a human chair.

"You may now begin. You have two hours!" Dr Patrick announced as the clock ticked.

Elene adjusted her ass on Joshua's face and started with her paper. Joshua had won the spot to be her human chair for the first one hour of the exam, after which Kennedy, another classmate who had offered his face to be her chair for the second hour, would take over. That way, they would both have just one hour each to write the two-hour exam.

They were willing to sacrifice their studies, to sacrifice their academics, to sacrifice their future just to serve as Elene's human chair.

Everything was quiet and steady until 45 minutes into the exam when Elene blasted a hot fart on Joshua's face.


The fumes heated up his face with a very dark smell. Bearing her weight on his face was quite a task already, but now having to inhale her poisonous fart at such a point-blank range was very unhealthy for him. The rancid smell of her fart began to erode his brain and all he had read shortly before the exam.

Everyone felt the effect of her fart but managed to continue writing the exam. Aby, Joshua's girlfriend, looked around briefly and couldn't see her boyfriend. She panicked and hoped he wasn't the one serving as Elene's fart face. She tried to calm herself and look around a second time, and yet, Joshua was still not in sight. There could only be one explanation for his sudden disappearance just as the exam started. She worried, but put the thoughts aside and continued with her paper.


Elene blasted another hot one into his face. Her anus was rightly positioned over his nose and her flatulence easily diffused through the white nylon shorts she wore, without panties!

Joshua got choked with a very obnoxious odour. He panicked and his heartbeat increased. He was suffering, but he was happy to have won this slot.

After an hour, it was time for Kennedy to take Joshua's place. He had written the exam for one hour and must, unfortunately, hope whatever he had written was enough to pass well. He would spend the rest of the time under Elene's butt.

It took Elene another ten minutes to finish up with the question she was currently answering. When she finished, she stood up briefly, Joshua quickly sat up and exchanged places with Kennedy. Kennedy placed his head right under Elene's butt. She sat down on his face and continued writing her paper.

From her seat, Aby looked again and saw her boyfriend, Joshua, in a very sorry state. He was sweating profusely, his face was rumpled, and he looked pale and dizzy. Aby shook her head angrily and wondered why would her boyfriend also be a slave to Elene and sacrifice his future for Elene like that, doing things she can't even do for his own girlfriend for the popular fart queen. She continued writing her paper while seriously boiling with anger.


Elene ripped a fart on Kennedy's face too. For a moment, it felt like he was jolted out of consciousness. When he felt himself again, he wondered if Joshua could write anything after suffering this fate first.

"Five minutes more!" Dr Patrick announced. The time had run out and they would all be submitting their papers.

After they submitted their papers, Aby barely waited for Dr Patrick to step out of the room. She immediately charged at Elene angrily.

"Why are you so wicked, you this crazy girl! my boyfriend is not one of your piggies!" she screamed at Elene.

Elene remained very calm.

"Bitch! Really?" she said calmly to Aby, "Let us check if that is true or not..."

Elene turned her attention to Joshua.

"Fart face, is it true you ain't one of my piggies? if you aren't, take your girlfriend's hand and walk the fool out of my presence right now. But if you are one of my ever loyal piggies, come right behind me and shove your stupid face into my ass!"

It was a spectacular moment, the big challenge. Everyone around watched to see who would win this contest.

With a flamed up appearance, Aby looked sternly at her boyfriend and hoped, of course, that he would be sensible and not cause her the embarrassment of the century. He shouldn't dare pick some mannerless farting girl over his decent girlfriend.

To Aby's astonishment, and to everyone else's, Joshua walked behind Elene, went on his knees, opened his mouth and shoved his face right into her butt crack!


At that very moment, Elene ripped a fart in Joshua's face.

There was a noisy excitement in the classroom. That was quite a spectacle. Aby's face reddened with shame. She looked into Elene's face and then turned her gaze downwards. She was ashamed and so let-down that she wished he could just disappear from that spot. She didn't know how to walk out of there without tripping and falling to the ground.

"Bitch, I can forgive your jealousy. I know how it feels to see your boyfriend choose my bottom over you. But you see, all these other boys would do the same. Even your father would do the same! I am a queen, you need to accept that!"

She moved closer to Aby and tried to pet her.

"You don't have to lose your boyfriend, Aby, there's no one else you will pick around here that still won't choose my farts over you. Don't worry, I don't need any love or romantic nonsense from him, you can have all that. All I need is his face, to serve as my chair and to eat my farts just like every other guy you know around here. He can still remain the love of your life."

She moved closer and held Aby's hand.

"You should be happy your boyfriend is my servant. Do you know how males hustle to serve me? It's a big competition between them and there's only a handful I can take per time. You should be proud of him. Me using his face as my human chair and farting in his ugly face is such an achievement for him. I'm sure you know that. It's only painful for you because that's a lot of power I'm wielding over your lover by sitting on his face and farting in his mouth, and that is understandable, but trust me, dear, you will get over it."

Out of pity, Elene hugged Aby and tried to save her from the embarrassment, as she was still very shaken by what just happened.

"And don't worry. He won't fail this exam. I will make sure of that. Dr Patrick is also my bitch. He eats my farts, and he does my biddings!"

(To be continued)

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