Chapter 10

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The loud blow of the whistle dispersed the crowd. The paired groups began moving towards the woods. "Remember this is to be taken seriously and there will be chaperones supervising around the woods!! WHEN YOU HEAR THE WHISTLE AGAIN, DOUBLE TIME!!" Ramirez began to say but as the crowd got further and further he began raising his voice.

I awkwardly followed Sam, silently. For a second I thought he forgot I existed until he stopped and slightly turned his head, still assessing the compass in his hand, and said "So what's your deal?"

Confused I answered. "What do you mean?" Not taking the time to look back, he continued on his path as he spoke. "You know like where do you come from? Why did you choose this place?" He ducked under a branch, holding it back to make sure it didn't snap back at me.

"Um.." not wanting to answer the question, I improvised. "I just wanted to have some fun with life. I guess you could say my home-town wasn't exactly the most vivid of places."

"You're telling me, try living in Utah. It's probably the most boring state, don't get me wrong the weather is nice but I just wanted a change of scenery. You know?" I nodded along and remembering he couldn't see me I answered- "Yeah."

Sam suddenly turns around and starts walking backwards. "So can I ask another question? and in advanced to take it the wrong way." Not knowing at all what to expect I agreed. "How did you end up with such an unfortunate last name like 'pancake'?"

"I really don't know. I think it's Dutch or German but at the end of the day I think I just got unlucky. When I was younger I always wanted to change it to something different. Maybe something cool like 'Wellington'" Samuel burst into laughter. "Wellington? I'd rather stay with the Aunt Jemima brand, have you tried reaching out for a sponsorship?"

"HA HA SO FUNNY!" I mocked. As we walked further into the forest I noticed the terrain getting choppier. At the beginning of our walk I could still hear the talking and the crunch of the leaves as people walked near us, but I couldn't help but notice the eeriness and suden stillness of this path. "Hey Sam, where are we?" looking down at the map he frowned. He was unable to pit point where we were. As he looked down at the map flipping it and turning it in his hands he mindlessly walked into a boulder, tripping and falling backwards.

At the fall I heard what sounded like a crack. Sam winced in pain. We both looked at each other knowing that did not sound good at all. "Are you okay?"

" I'm sure I'll be fine just help me get up, please." I bent down watching my footing to avoid hurting myself. Holding on to his hands I pulled at the same time he pushed himself up. During the motion, he lost his footing causing the whole of us to loose balance and fall back down.

For a second, the air caught in my throat and I flinched my eyes shut awaiting the fall. As we braced, he held out his hands grabbing onto my shoulder and my hands met the ground at the sides of his neck. I slowly open my eyes to meet a pair of forest green ones already in sight.

The intensity of his stare was eating at my self-esteem. Why is he looking so hard for? Do I have something on my face?

Snapping from the trance, I cleared my throat and rushed to get up. Adjusting my clothes I look down at him. "How are we going to get back? You need help." Like a sign from above, the whistle went off. We both watched the other one in surprise.

"GO! before he stops it!" Samuel let out in a rush. "What if I can't find you again?"

"Look at the compass and you'll know. Ill keep making noise, just go! hurry!" Without thinking it twice I rushed off following the sound. I climbed a slope, pushing the vines and branches out of the way. I listened as Sam's voice became shallow and fainted off into the distance and the sound of the whistle became more prominent. The trees line became thinner and I could see the sunlight shining through the leaves.

I pushed myself past the trees, occasionally bumping into some of them. I started hearing different voices and the cracking of leaves again, I must be close. Looking back I stop, I can't hear Sam anymore. I have to hurry.

I began running again when I bumped into an unmovable object. Trees, however were not this smooth. I look up to see the questioning stare of Drill Sargent Carter.

"Sam needs help!" I let out without question. "He fell because he was- anyway there was a rock- and then he fell and snap! and now he's yelling." My train of thought was senseless and my words seemed to be making no sense. Carter sending my uneasiness clasped my shoulders. "Breathe.-" WHY IS EVERYONE TOUCHING MY SHOULDERS TODAY?

"Where is he?" As if by command my arm shot up and pointed in the opposite direction. Carter went straight into action and began walking where my pointer finger directed.

No long after a rustling was heard from the trees behind me and there they were. Carter was supporting Sam by holding on his right arm and left hip while Sam was hopelessly hopping on a single leg. "We'll have to take him to the infirmary but I'm sure its just a sprain." Carter said stopping in from of me then proceeding without another word.

I uselessly followed behind the two men.

I stayed with the platoon and they made their way to the infirmary. Once we were dismissed to lunch I met up with Harper and Laura again.

"What was all that rushing about?" Laura asked enlacing her arm on mine with curiosity. "He got injured." I simply put out as we continued to walk towards the cafeteria.

As soon as we walked in, a group of guys sitting in the back table were pointing fingers, snickering and laughing. Harper recognized I felt insecure and stepped in from of me. Her tall stature and intimidating glare made all the guys turn their attention else where.

Making our way to the line we got our food. In the tray there was something that resembled somewhat cooked-eatable food. While walking towards the tables the snickers and stares became unavoidable.

"I heard she was making out with that guys in the woods."
"With that size I don't doubt she fell on him and broke his leg."
"Apparently one of the sargents saw that guy and her make out."

"Harper-" I turned my head making sure she knew I was dead serious. "tomorrow we start training." Walking towards the trashcans I threw away my food and laid the tray on top of the trash can and walked out the cafeteria.

You don't know me but you are about to.


Let me know how you liked this chapter and which ship are you hoping on for this story. I love reading your comments, let me know how your day has been. As always, take care and tty on the next one <3

-LP :)

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