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I got another tag by itzmeZarya

Let's get started.

1. Who do you think is funny?

Oh......well, let's just say I have a sense of humor so My gang in this country.

2. What do you think of your friend's artworks?

They are freaking awesome, especially one of my friends who draw my OC in real life and most of them are kinda funny art we draw together then sabotage the paper with lots of weird arts. XD

3. Favorite OC Ship?

Okay, I'm cool every single ship i read in each story. Especially when it comes love stories. And I am okay for Gay and Lesbian OC cause I don't judge them. I been friends with one of my gay friends, who loves to write gay or lesbian stories. So for those who write Gay or Lesbian stories, i respect you guys. I don't judge you of it.  Let's just say i read those too, BUT doesn't mean I'm lesbian. I am straight.

4.What languages can you speak?

English (duh XD)

Tagalog ( my original language)

Japanese (learning a bit)

Korean (My little sister teaching me)

I don't speak more languages XD

5. Who's the funniest?

My answered is either my Dad or my best friends or my gang cause both of them are funny as f***!

6. Do you like to draw no matter what you draw?

Yes! I love to draw so much and i even animated too but mostly I'm into draw instead animated. But when it comes to back ground, I am a little suck at it but I am still learning. But over all I LOVE TO DRAW NO MATTER WHAT!!!! Which i got more motivation to draw, It helps me calm my nerves down and let my imagination flow in my mind.

7. Do you miss anyone you knew?

YES!!! I really miss my friends but we could still talk on group chat. Sometimes in wattpad or deviantart, none of them were online. But in group chat, Everyone is online especially they will start group call a bit to early XD i got angry by it. NO BODY RUIN MY BEAUTY SLEEP!

8. Favorite trolls and partycrashers?

Uhhh..... what's partycrasher??? I am confuse.

Favorite trolls will be either Trollex or Hickory. But the truth everyone is my favorite XD

9. favorite ships?





I can't remember how many ships but I know i every ships i heard is my favorite.

10. tagging





Only these three cause i am super busy right now and good bye everyone!

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