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Andrea had fallen asleep crying, and as she slept hugging me like her life depended on it, I felt the noose tighten around my neck until breathing became laborious. I closed my eyes in an attempt to let Andrea's heart beating against mine give me some solace, but I quickly realized that it was a bad idea. Her heartbeat against mine reminded me of all of my sins that had led us down this road.

If only I'd caught onto Orlov's games sooner...

I forced myself to breathe calmly as I slowly worked on unwrapping myself from Andrea. She mumbled in her sleep as I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and slowly moved her off me onto the bed. After adjusting her head on the pillow and covering her with a blanket I swung myself out of the bed, and walked out of the room.

The corridors were doused in darkness, and quietude, almost like everything around us was in mourning for all that was left in ashes. I rubbed my eyes, and walked towards the liquor cabinet before retreating to the office we had here. The door closed behind me with a soft thud and I dropped on the couch. Not bothering with a tumblur, I uncapped the bottle and took a large sip, not even caring about my lowered inhibiations. For once in my life, I needed something to numb me to the splinters in my blood that had made every beat of my heart a symphony of pain and agony. I leaned back against the couch, my eyes trained above.

"You're here," I turned my head towards the door upon registering Alessio's voice.

I forced myself to straighten, "I didn't hear you come in," I rubbed my face with my hands, "I guess the alcohol really did its job." I finished, scoffing.

Alessio sighed, before sitting down on the couch next to mine, throwing his head back, "I've been wondering for a while, what did Orlov tell you?"

"Nothing worth repeating," I reached for more alcohol, and took a sip straight from the bottle, aware of Alessio's eyes on me. I knew he'd come, he had barely stopped earlier.

"You're hiding something, Renzo." Alessio leaned forward, his forearms on his knees as he tried to stare me down. "And it may not be the best time, but I don't think there's ever gonna be a better time."

I exhaled, knowing he wouldn't let go, and also maybe it was that I was finally drowning under the weight of everything that I just didn't have it in me to excercise my authority tonight, but I answered him, "The reason Carlo never touched Tori and Rick was because of Orlov. The motherfucker was waiting on me, he intended to use them as bargaining chips if I lived..."

"And kill them if you died." Alessio interupted me, finishing the sentence, and I nodded, agreeing.

"Where did Angelo come in then? Alessio's voice had hardened at the mere mention of our uncle, who had single-handedly caused us all so much pain decades ago.

"I don't know his reasons. Maybe it was just out of spite but he was working with Orlov. He was the one who's name was being used while Anton ran the show behind Grigory's back."

"Motherfucking hell!" Alessio hissed, trying to hold himself back from shouting. "Renzo, I'm not going to sit back and fucking strategize now."

Choosing to remain silent, I took another sip of whiskey, letting Alessio's words echo in the room. He wasn't wrong, but the wound was too fresh, too new to talk about this yet.

"How's ma?" I looked up at Alessio, "did you go see her?"

"Not good." Alessio shook his head, "she fell asleep crying. Roberto and Dad were with her."

I nodded, turning my attention back towards my feet.

"Did they track down the fucking babysitter?" I asked Alessio, relying on anger as a crutch, "hers is the only body we didn't find."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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