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25 December, 1972
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
The Great Hall/Hufflepuff Common Room

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

ELOISE RUSHED towards the Great Hall, a bright smile adorning her face, her dark brown hair put in braids with a yellow hair clip holding her hair back.

Stopping once she got to the doors, she scanned the Great Hall until her eyes landed on the person she was looking for. Her older brother and his friends were not at Hogwarts for Christmas break, Sirius having gone home with her brother because his parents were busy this holiday.

So, Regulus was left at Hogwarts, and Eloise, being the good friend she was, stayed behind as well, because how could she allow her best friend to be alone on such a day?

"Hello, Reg," she said cheerfully, sitting herself in front of him at the Slytherin table. "How do you do on this fine Christmas morning?"

It seemed that the other members of the Slytherin House were used to the first-year Hufflepuff sitting at their table by now, because they hardly gave her a second glance.

"Hello, Lou," he greeted in a much less cheerful tone. "I'm alright, I guess."

"Alright? Have you opened your gifts yet? I opened mine— Oh, that reminds me! I need to give you yours!"

"My parents don't ever really get me anything. When they do, it's always something like clothes for one of those Christmas Balls we go to, or some book, although I don't mind the astronomy ones. Sirius is the only one that gets me presents. He got me another Astronomy book and some sweets. I have no idea how he got the sweets, though."

"Well, no offense to Sirius, but I think my gift is much better than his," Eloise beamed.

"Oh, is that so?" said Regulus, raising an eyebrow.


"And when will I be receiving my oh-so-great gift?"

"After you hurry up and finish your breakfast. Just meet me in front of the Hufflepuff common room, we can exchange gifts in there."


"FINALLY! You're here!"

"Yeah, well it takes time to walk from one side of the castle to the other, Lou."

"Cover your eyes."

"Why?" Regulus asked.

"Because I can't have you seeing how the password goes," Eloise stated obviously.

Regulus covered his eyes (not without rolling them, of course) while Eloise tapped the barrel so they could enter the common room.

The Hufflepuff common room, Regulus noted, was an opposite to the Slytherin one. While the Slytherin common room was dark, cold, and luxurious, the Hufflepuff common room was rather bright and comfortable. Countless lively plants and flowers decorated the room, along with a large portrait of Helga Hufflepuff that resided above the fireplace.

Eloise handed Regulus a small box wrapped in an old copy of the Daily Prophet that she colored and drew over.

"Here you go," she grinned. "Hand over my present now, Reg."

"Open yours first," Regulus said.

Eloise unwrapped her gift and went wide eyed. Regulus had gotten her a silver-chained necklace with a yellow gemstone hanging at the end.

"You— how?" she breathed, shocked. "This must've been so expensive . . . oh, now my present probably is going to seem horrible."

"I think you've forgotten the family I come from, money isn't exactly an issue. And," he brought out an identical necklace, the only difference being the gemstone, which was an emerald green, "I've got one too. So we can match. Sirius said that it's something friends do."

"Oh— Well, help me put it on, would you?"

"Why do you look as if you're about to cry? Is it that bad?" teased Regulus as he clipped the necklace.

"No! Merlin, no. I'm just emotional— STOP LAUGHING! JUST OPEN YOUR GIFT ALREADY, YOU GIT!"

"Okay — Merlin — just — hold on," Regulus said in between laughs.

As soon as Regulus opened his gift, he fell silent. Eloise wrung her hands anxiously, awaiting his response.

"You're right," he said after a moment's silence. "This is better than Sirius's."

He clasped the leather bracelet with 'R-egg' messily carved into it onto his right wrist.

"In fact, I'd say that this is the best gift I've ever gotten."

Eloise's expression softened, before she threw herself into her friend's arms. Regulus stiffened, patting her awkwardly. He really wasn't used to hugging.

"Er— as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, do you mind not being emotional on me, Lou?"

The girl blushed and chuckled embarrassedly, "Right. Sorry, Reg."

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