chapter 43

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Jesus loves you... always try to talk to Him.


I didn't sleep. My eyes wouldn't even close.

I needed to see if Avery was safe here or not but unfortunately I don't even know.

I've worked with different people and companies but I wonder how I've never come in contact with her parents. If I have then I can't even remember.

With all that has been happening, I know her parents would come back for her. They surely would. If I tried investigating, I wouldn't find anything because her parents stopped meeting the media years ago. No one knows the reason why they stopped.

I don't even know how I'd tell Avery to come with me. Since the moment I knew her, I knew she was terrified of her parents. I remember she once told me of how she was treated years ago when we were still together and I can't let that happen now. I clearly don't know the intentions of her parents this time and I'm not about to watch her get hurt. Not on my watch.


The fresh scent of food woke me up from my slumber. I inhaled and my stomach rumbled in response, I looked around in embarrassment hoping no one was here with me in the room to witness what just happened and fortunately there was no one. I looked to the side to check the time and my eyes met food waiting for me.

I quickly brushed my teeth in the bathroom and ran back to the bed to eat because it felt like I haven't eaten in days. I wondered why I was so hungry.

Just then, everything that happened this last 24 hours came rushing back to remembrance.

My parents...

Damon in my house...

Me waking up as a result of the terrible nightmare I haven't had in months...

Damon comforting me...

He's here. I realized.

I lost my appetite already.

I stood up and walked towards the sitting room where I was hearing voices. There, I saw Mason sitting close to Carlos on the love seat and Damon sitting in the other with papers scattered all over the table before them.

What were they doing...

I tried my best to not make any sound squat to the ground level so they wouldn't see me.

"No. I don't want them near her, don't you know what they did to her before" I heard Damon say angrily.

"She seemed angry and scared whenever we talked about them" Carlos butted in.

"I don't know man. I don't even know what to say. They are surely coming back for her" Mason said solemnly.

"I can't afford to lose her again. So I'm taking her and I'm leaving" Damon spoke through clenched teeth.

"Really. You think she'd just get up and go with you. Just like that" Carlos mocked.

No one answered.

That was the pill no one was willing to swallow. Truth. I thought bitterly.

I wiped my now clammy hands on my dress before I came out of my hiding place.
"Uh good morning" I greeted frowning when I realized I was letting an unwanted person back in my life.

"What are you doing here" i asked them ignoring all their answers to my greetings.

Silence. No one answered.

I looked at Carlos and when he met my eyes, he looked down checking his finger nails. I looked at Mason and he did the same thing but this time he was was scrolling through his phone.

I took a deep breath before looking at Damon as my expression screamed 'I need an answer'.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

The second I turned to look at Damon he gulped before standing coming towards me.

"Uh I I... We're trying to keep you safe, that's all" Damon answered nervously.


"Safe you say?" I asked after sometime almost angrily.
Now that I learnt how to take care of myself, is when he remembers I needed safety. My subconscious mocked.

"I'm safe" I mocked angrily and he stepped one feet backwards.
'He should ' my subconscious said. He was successfully riling me up and he knows it.

"N-no, I mean I know you are safe but I'm doing this for you. What if they come back looking for you? I Know you ran away fr..."

"I ran away from them because they abused me and you did worse. I took care of myself once and I can do it again" I snapped at him angrily not caring if my words hurt him or not. But the look on his face told me my words hit him. Hard.

"Avery that's enough" Marcus interrupted.

"Just leave. All of you" I said after a while of no one saying anything.


"We're not"

"No way" were their answers of protest.

"Look, I can take care of myself. I did it once and I can do it again, so please just... Let me be" I begged as exhaustion hit me with full force.

"Baby please" Damon begged coming to where I was standing.

The look I gave him was enough to make him realise his mistakes and make him correct himself.

He cleared his throat before stuttering an "I'm sorry".

"But please, you have to listen to me. They will come back for you. You need to come with me" Damon pleaded.

"It's the truth and you know it" Mason chipped in.

"Then I'll go stay with Carlos. They don't know him. They never knew him" I smirked victoriously.

"Uh...Choco" Carlos laughed nervously scratching his neck.

"What. I can go with you right?" I asked fearing his answer.

"No. Not really Choco. I need to fly to LA tomorrow for business. You know how it always is" Carlos said.

"But you just got back" I chastised my voice wavering.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But he's right you know, you have to leave... With him, we both know you'd be safe with him"

I would never admit it to anyone but he was right.

"I can stay with Mason right?" I asked again hoping I could get away this time.

"Sorry Avery, you can't. I'm also traveling this night too. I don't think you have my friends you'd like to stay with. No no no I don't mean it that way" Mason corrected himself when he saw my expression at his last statement.
"I mean, I know you don't have any other friends apart from Carlos and you know it. So please, for your safety, just go with Damon. He'll keep you safe" he explained.

"I can rent a new apartment" I mumbled.

"They'll find you there. And if they find you, you won't be able to stop them, you can't do anything at all to stop them from doing whatever they want to do to you. Stop being stubborn" Carlos scolded.

"So what do you want me to do! "

Happy new month y'all.
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