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It's a blur, after. I pass out more than once, from the pain, from exhaustion.

I'm brought back inside the temple, away from the eyes of those who are forbidden from seeing a Veil's face, and patched up in the infirmary. I've caught scrapes and bruises all over. My knees are split open. My palm is a mottled mess. It's a miracle of Gaia that none of my bones are broken.

I'm given new robes, a new veil and mask. I'm given a new anchor, and questioned on what happened.

I fell, is what I say. Got knocked into the pit, is what I say.

I do not mention Roaz.

One of the Suns starsings a song of healing over me, and when the line settles over my skin, it tingles. When I watch the fracture cuts on my skin, I see them knit back together before my eyes.

Naqi arrives with Roaz. They were both enduring interview after interview by the gates of the temple, since Roaz was first place, and Naqi was second.

I wait until the Sun has finished his song. I wait until he leaves. Then I turn to Roaz. He stands with his arms crossed over his broad chest, and his expression is something like barbed over. Naqi reads the thickness of the air between us, and frowns.

"What's going on?"

I say nothing. I pin my gaze on Roaz, and am silent in my stillness. His expression twitches, vexed.

"If you've got something to say, then say it, Veil."

"I've got nothing to say," I tell him. "Not to you."

"Go on and tell the others, then. You don't need my permission."

"That what you want?"

"Does it matter?"

I open my mouth then, to ask, to demand: Why? Why did you do it? How could you go through with your plan at the pit?

Except I already know the answer. It's the same reason as me and Lumi at the tent, when I let my jealousy choke me blind, when I let my anger string me into its puppet.

I remember Gaia, and what she said. To become worthy.

I close my mouth, and shake my head.

Roaz deserves to be disqualified.

But so do I.

"I won't tell."

Roaz stills. Disbelief inks into him. "What?"

I don't repeat myself, because I don't know if this is what Gaia wants me to do. I don't know if I've made the right choice.

I push past the boys and stride off and away. Naqi does not follow me, not right away. I hear him speaking to Roaz, voice low and soft. I hear Roaz replying, voice thin as breath.


We're all given a night and a day of rest. The second stage will take place after.

When night shades in, all the whistlers – even the ones that did not pass – take to the city. They take to the lights and the drinks and the hot and spicy foods, to the arcades and games and the high of being recognized. People ask for pictures, and point and gasp. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and they are out to experience it all.

The acolytes and Suns are given leave to enjoy the night, as well. Pea is beyond herself. She throws her arms around my shoulders and squeezes me tight. She loops her arm with mine and tugs.

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