Modern Way

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Finally I shut the door lightly behind the boys and one girl, dropping my head against it as my hand splayed across the door. “Okay, they’re all gone,” I announced relieved as I turned around, leaning my back against the door.

Twisting the cap back onto his water bottle, Seth snorted, placing it on the counter top. “I don’t know what you’re complaining about,” he observed, rubbing his shoulder, “You didn’t move a thing. We did all the actual lifting.”

Grinning at him, I shrugged one shoulder. “Rose and I organized the vinyl.”

“I feel for you,” Seth rolled his eyes with the words, turning around.

Suddenly feeling much more energy now that everyone had finally left his–our apartment, I quickly pushed up from the door, striding towards his back. That was weird. It was our apartment now. Sure, I’d probably spent more time here than the one I had with Will since I’d moved to New York, but now it was official. I was moved in. All of us had spent the day moving boxes, well, the boys had like Seth said. Rose and I had just sat cross legged in the living room by the floor to ceiling windows going through the records and merging mine with Seth’s. All together, the amount of records was quite incredible.

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I hopped not too gracefully on his back, my socks skidding slightly right before I took off the ground.

Making a slight grunt at me smacking into his back, Seth placed his hands under my thighs, hitching me up to a more secure position as my legs wrapped around his waist. “Little warning next time, clumsy,” he told me, but there was a laugh detectable in his voice.

“Insulting your new roommate on the first day,” I mused in a mocking thoughtful voice, dropping my chin onto my shoulder. “Not a good way to start out, you don’t want your roomie to get vindictive, do you?”

Shaking his head, Seth started out from beside the island, making his way towards the living room, dragging me easily along with him. “Rebel,” he began. But I cut him off without even a word, pressing my lips ever so lightly against his collar bone and his step hesitated for a moment from the pressure.

Laughing loudly, I leaned back slightly, informing him, “And you’re easy.”

His response came quickly, but it wasn’t in words.

With a squeal ripping from my lips, I fell backwards blindly, but to my surprise, I didn’t fall on my own, Seth came down with me. My back hit the cushioned leather couch and I burst out in laughter again until his back hit my chest, knocking the breath out of me.

“You tool,” I accused breathlessly, but was still laughing as I shoved him away.

Turning around, Seth anchored his hands on either side of me, holding himself up with my legs still hooked about his waist. But that didn’t last long, because he jokingly collapsed onto me, kneeling on the ground beside the couch with his head on stomach, my legs finally falling away. “Want to go to bed?” he questioned, “I’m about to pass out.”

Running my hands lightly through his soft hair, I gave it a light tug before tipping his chin up to look at me. “Not quite yet, I’ve got this song…”


“Keely? Are you okay?”

Blinking, I focused my eyes upon Nick who was standing in front of me with a confused look. After a moment I had the thought to force a reassuring smile on my mouth, shifting the cardboard box in my arms. “I’m fine, just blanked out there, sorry,” I apologized, walking through the door he was holding open.

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