Chapter 10: Paige

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Three days have passed, I was growing accustomed to taking care of Ryder. His wound was now a pink scar and he was growing stronger. The colour was returning to his cheeks and the sparks I felt when I touched his hand grew stronger. He was developing a stubble which my wolf go nuts but I couldn't help but grin. I was used to his clean-shaven face but it gave him a rugged look. Chase continued to visit and we were slowly mending our relationship. Yesterday, he looked at me and mumbled a goodbye before leaving.

My wolf was pleased that he was recovering. I read to him and we had managed to reach the second book. I did not know if he liked Harry Potter but he clearly could not express his opinion so I hoped that he did. Just as I removed his bandages, I hear someone come inside the door. I turned to see Elder John. He looks fondly at Ryder and gives me a smile. "Hello, Paige." He greets me, walking closer.

Dr. Jones enters behind him and goes to check Ryder's vitals. I watched him look at Ryder's wound and hold my hands tightly clasped in my lap to stop them from shaking. Dr. Jones smiles and nods his head in approval. "The Alpha is much better. I can feel his wolf is stronger. His wound is healed nicely. Everything is going well!" He says, beaming. Elder John gives me a hug. I feel like a huge weight left my shoulders. Dr. Jones looks at me with pride.

"At this rate, he may wake up today or tomorrow." He declares, this makes my wolf rejoice but a small part of me felt lonely. This was the closest I could ever get with him. But he was out of danger and that was all that mattered. The door slams open and a pack member turns his head towards me. "Ms. Smith? Your mother... We're having a problem." He explains, out of breath. I look at Dr. Jones and Elder John for permission.

"Go. We have this under control." Elder John says, pushing me towards the door. I thank them and dash through the hall. I run past Chase who gives me a bewildered look. I make it to the front steps of my house. I had been checking up on my mother as frequently as I could but Ms. Pennies seemed to have it under control. I gasped as I saw Ms. Pennies trying to hold down my mother. My mother was thrashing in bed. Her eyes were dark showing that her wolf had taken over.

I take a step forward. "MOM!" I call her, Ms. Pennies shoots me an urgent look. My mom freezes for a second. She reaches out to me and she looks at me with confusion in her eyes. "Pup?" She asks, her voice hoarse. I nodded. I take her hand and my mom relaxes. I give Ms. Pennies a look and she nods. As I talk to my mother, Ms. Pennies sedates her. My mother's death grip on my hand loosens and her eyes flutter as she struggles to stay awake.

"How long has this been happening?" I asked Ms. Pennies as soon as we knew my mother was asleep. "This happens sometimes but today, it was the worst that I have seen so far." Ms. Pennies explains. I felt awful. Ms. Pennies should not have to go through this. She was my mother and my responsibility. "Paige?" Ms. Pennies calls my name, gently. I look at her. I was lost. I didn't know what to do if her episodes got any worse.

"I think it's time we thought about putting her in the WMC." She says, hesitantly. WMC was the Widowed Mates Centre which took care of wolves that lose themselves after the death of their mates. "I-But-She's my mother." I babbled, tears filling my eyes as I felt so helpless. Ms. Pennies gave me a hug. "Paige, you have tried more than any wolf has. It's alright to do this. She needs help and we're not enough for her anymore." Ms. Pennies said, as I angrily wiped my tears away.

She gently passed me a form. It had my mother's signature. "Look, Paige. I think that your mother knew that she might lose herself. She prepared this." Ms. Pennies explained. I looked at the form it was signed before my father's death. I looked at the box which questioned the reason behind her permission to enroll herself into WMC. She listed depression and bipolar disorder. My mother had been struggling mentally for so long and I didn't even know it. I looked at Ms. Pennies and nodded.

After taking my mother into the centre, I explained her condition to the doctors and nurses. They welcomed her with open arms. "Ms. Smith, we understand that it has been very hard for you. We will take good care of your mother." Dr. Louis says. Nurse Wendy gives me a hug. I look at my mother who looks calm. "I can visit her anytime?" I asked, my voice raspy. They nod. I look at Ms. Pennies with gratitude.

They give me their number for emergencies and I learn about the ways they care for my mother. I watched as my mother was given a nice room. "Such a nice room, mom," I said, trying to distract her. She smiles and nods. I place her bags and belongings. Before leaving, I thanked them. Ms. Pennies reached her house. She gave me a hug. "You have been so strong." She says, looking concerned. "Thank you, Ms. Pennies. You-you have no idea what this means to me. Thank you." I said, my voice wobbly.

I make my way home. I open the door and memories flood my head. I walked up into my mother's room. I pick up the cardigan of my father's that she loved so much. It smells like her. I knew that my mother was gone but it tore me apart to leave her. I buried my face into the cardigan and I feel my tears soak the fabric.

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