Part 2

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Excerpts from the journal of Dr. V. Ferguson (Translated to English)

Date 5022.0025.0008


Test One - Adjustment of processing of sensory input in temporal lobe

- Mus Musculus . NEGATIVE

- Ovis Aries . NEGATIVE

- Cercopithecidae . NEGATIVE

- Human . NEGATIVE

Overall Outcome: Not able to awake from surgery, instant death

Test Two - Nerve cell adjustment in cerebrum

- Mus Musculus . POSITIVE

- Ovis Aries . NEGATIVE

- Cercopithecidae . NEGATIVE

- Human . NEGATIVE

Overall Outcome: Involuntary actions and / or suicide

Test Three - Gene editing in DNA throughout body

- Mus Musculus . POSITIVE

- Ovis Aries . POSITIVE

- Cercopithecidae . POSITIVE

- Human . NEGATIVE

Overall Outcome: Discovered inefficient with effects of Resurgence

Test Four - Neuron editing in the prefrontal cortex

- Mus Musculus . POSITIVE

- Ovis Aries . POSITIVE

- Cercopithecidae . POSITIVE

- Human . POSITIVE

Overall Outcome: Proved to work instantly, no found side effects


"... Because of these recently outspread records of strange medical issues unexplainable by various doctors, the population has begun to wonder if the Resurgence: Advancement Tests could cause long term complications. The problems taking place include spastic movements, cases of derealization, and other issues concerning the brain or various muscles. The GKO( General Knowledge Organization )has been quiet since these reports have started coming in. But, as the numbers started increasing, a press conference was scheduled so they could address the ongoing issue. Aiden Copper, the lead officer of the GKO stated as such,'though the incidents happened around the same time as the Advancement Tests, our top scientists have proven the two are completely unrelated'. So for now the dissociation reports have been officially classified as irrelevant to the Resurgence: Advancement Tests. Dr. V. Ferguson has confirmed Copper's story and therefore-"

"Good morning," says a cheery voice to Daniel as he walks past.

"You too," Howard replies, looking up from his newspaper, a characteristically tiresome expression on his face.

Today is a typical, unexceptional day in one of the many Resurgence buildings sprinkled around the world. Daniel Howard walks through one of it's many ordinary hallways with a black coffee in his hand and a daily newspaper in the other. An event that, to no surprise, has happened routinely for more than 80 years, the age his face currently matches. He walks into his office, places down the newspaper in the same spot as always, and starts working.

the final compromiseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum