Little Cuddles 🔞

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✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

(an: hey not sure if you guys are getting notified about the chapters but if not just know there will be a new one everyday)

Jungkook POV

"Jimin?" I called out but got no answer. Why is he always disappearing? I pulled out my phone to call him. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"Jimin?" I asked. "It's Jin." I sighed in relief knowing he was somewhere safe. "How's Jimin?" I asked nervously. Maybe he told Jin what happened. "You're a real asshole Jungkook. I thought I taught you better than this." Jin scolded.

"I'm sorry Hyung. I really am and I'm trying to fix it." I sighed clearly he knows. "It shouldn't have happened in the first place." He sounded pretty angry so I knew arguing would get me nowhere. "You're right Hyung. What is he doing now?" I asked. "He's little. So he's playing with toys at the moment. And it's so freaking cute." Jin cooed. I'm so jealous. I miss my baby.

"Can I say hi?" I asked cautiously. "No! Jiminie doesn't trust you with seeing him little anymore." He scolded me again. "Please just a little bit." I whined. "No." Jin said in a firm tone. "Please Hyung. I just miss my baby so much." My voice cracked. "Fine. Jimin is going to kill me." He huffed and put the phone on speaker. "Who that?" Jimin asked in the cutest, tiniest voice I've ever heard.

"That's Jungkook baby." Jin explained to the boy. He immediately broke down into tears. "Daddy!" He cried and I smiled widely. "Hi baby." I cooed gently. God I miss him. "Daddy why no here?" Jimin whined. "I got stuff to do Minnie." I responded softly. "Miss daddy~" He whined while the tears kept falling. "It's okay come here baby." I heard Jin comfort him.

I wish I was the one to comfort him. Give him all the love he deserves. "I promise baby I'll fix this. I miss you so bad." I promised. "Daddy please come Jinnie home! Please!" He cried loudly. "I can't Min. I'm sorry but someone would be really mad if I did." Jimin would cut my arm off. He specifically didn't want me to see him little for this exact reason. I knew it was because he couldn't trust me or himself.

"Jiminie we're about to have lunch." Namjoon said. "Okay!" Jimin squealed. "Love daddy! Daddy misses Minnie?" Jimin asked in the most adorable way. "Of course Min. I love you too baby. Be good for Joonie and Jinnie." I told him and he handed the phone back to Jin.

"Thank you so much." I sniffled. "Yeah yeah. Just do what you have to do and make this right. I'm pissed at you Jungkook. You are so lucky Jimin is so forgiving. I would've dropped your ass." Jin scolded me once again.

"Yah! Hyung don't give him any ideas!" I shouted and he just laughed. "That boy is so in love with you. Like it's scary. As long as you work out this issue I'm sure you guys will be fine." Jin tried to convince me. "I hope so Jin Hyung. I really do." I sighed heavily. We talked for a few more minutes until we said our goodbyes. Jin told me Jimin might not be home for a bit because he was still little.

So what to do with the spare time? I sat on the couch and scrolled though my phone for a while on TikTok. "Woah!" I yelled. Jimin has a TikTok.

And I won't lie it is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. He's such a good dancer! Oh my goodness! I went through a few of the innocent ones. But when I got to one that was practically the word seduction it's self, I lost it. He's so sexy. I found myself scrolling back way too far on his profile.

It was still only the afternoon so I decided to text Tae because like Jimin wanted I need to explain how I really feel.


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