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The car skidded to a stop in front of the coffee shop. Before Ace could open the door, I pushed it open and got out of the car. Without looking back, I walked straight to the door of the coffee shop and Ace followed behind me. I was nearing the door of the establishment when it opened on its own. A uniformed employee came out to place a sign on the door saying, 'CLOSED. YEARLY INVENTORY GOING' in bold capital letters.

I abruptly pulled into a halt and so did Ace behind me.

'Why would they close now when I'm in the mood for a steamy cup of my favorite cappuccino? Now I have to spend even more time with Ace finding a new coffee shop,' I thought to myself. Dismayed by the coffee shop closing early, I turned to Ace with a frown.

"I guess we'll have to look for another place to discuss our divorce."

He did not reply and simply nodded.

I walked past him, trying to distance myself from him as far as possible. But he was quick. Soon enough, he was walking beside me, our arms bumping with each other. I flinched when his hand touched my skin. It made my heart flip inside my rib cage. I quickened my pace, leaving him behind to follow. When I reached the car, I climbed inside without giving him the chance to assist me.

Ace returned to his seat and turned the engine on. He was silent for a while as he maneuvered the car down the highway. Once more, I turned my gaze outside the window.

'It will rain soon', I thought to myself while looking up. The last sign of a clear sky was gone and the furious gray clouds took its reign.

The car was smoothly rolling on the highway when I heard Ace speak. I turned to look at him. "Come again?"

"I said we're heading to Cafe Grande." He repeated, eyes remained glued to the road.

'No', a part of my mind immediately rejected his words, my hand clenching into a fist. Cafe Grande holds countless wonderful memories of me and Ace. This was the coffee shop where we had our first date. It was also the same place where I gave him my sweetest yes. Cafe Grande is where our love story began. I didn't want our marriage to end there.

But then before I could say no, I paused and thought to myself. Perhaps this was for the best - to end our love story in the same place that started it, so we could both make a clean break.

This must be what Ace is thinking as well.

In the end, I agreed. "Sure." I replied, turning my head to the window.

The quiet atmosphere inside the car lasted until we arrived at our destination, and the car pulled into a stop in the parking area.

I opened the door, then stepped out of the car. When I looked up, the upscale building of the coffee shop greeted my eyes. Nostalgic memories came rushing back to me. This had been our favorite place since the day we met, but it wouldn't be the same anymore once we left.

We entered through the automatic door. The sweet scent of coffee and pastries permeated my nostrils. My mouth instantly watered.

As we walked into the room, a hush fell over. Many curious eyes turned to look at Ace.

We occupied the table near the window. Before sitting down, Ace pulled the chair out for me. Old habits die hard, I thought to myself as I sat down without protests. He did that for all our past dates.

"May I get your order, please?" A server asked, holding a notepad in her hand and a pencil on the other.

"Cappuccino and strong black coffee." Ace ordered.

After scribbling on her note, the server left. Silence fell on our table. Unable to hide my unease, I looked away. My gaze fell outside the glass window. Just nice, rain started pouring from the sky.

I tore my gaze outside from the window when the server came with our order. She placed the steamy hot cappuccino and strong black coffee on the table. "Please enjoy your drinks, Ma'am and Sir," she said before returning to serve other customers.

The enticing scent of a cappuccino invaded my nostrils. I can't resist the scent. I lifted the cup and let it cool down first by blowing on it before taking a sip. The rich creamy flavor spread on my tongue.

Cafe Grande serves the best coffee in the country, it was just a little expensive though.

I lowered the cup on the table and raised my head to Ace, only to discover he was staring at me, his own drink untouched.

"Shall we discuss the divorce?" I asked, purposely choosing to sound emotionless. How could I be distracted by the good coffee to forget what I came here for?

"Are you that eager to get away from me?" Ace remarked, having the nerve to sound hurt after everything he did. I felt my anger rise.

"Let me refresh your mind, Mr. Greyson. You started all this by asking for a divorce. You should be over the moon that I'm so compliant and agreeing with your request without dragging it out in court."

"It was a decision I now regret, Phoenix. Can we -"

"It's too late for regrets, Mr Greyson." I cut him off calmly, deliberately calling him by his surname, but Ace didn't stop.

"Phoenix. We can fix our relationship." He pleaded, but to no avail. My hardened heart refused to listen to his pleas.

"We can't fix something that was broken by years of lies and distrust. We will end up hurting ourselves more by putting the broken pieces together."

"I don't mind picking the pieces, Phoenix. Even if my hand gets bloody and wounded, I shall do it if it means not losing you." Ace replied passionately, gazing intently into my eyes.

I was taken aback by his words, but I refused to give in.

"But even if you do successfully glue the pieces back together, the crack will never disappear. What do we do to a plate once it's broken? We don't put it back again and use it. Instead, we get rid of it." I countered, taking a sip of my cappuccino.

"For Pete's sake! Our marriage is not just a thing that you can just get rid of!" Ace burst out, his fingers messing up his hair in exasperation.

"I'm not getting rid of our marriage, but the toxic people in my life." I told him with my chin held high, my fists clenched under the table. I continued angrily.

"Don't you dare blame me for this mess. I'm not the one who thought my wife had an affair with my brother, neglected my daughter, and then got another woman pregnant while I'm still lawfully married to my actual wife."

Ace froze, as though I struck him physically with my words alone. But I still wasn't done.

"Now, hand me the divorce papers and I will give you my autograph!"

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