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Our tender moment is interrupted by his driver's voice.

"Nathaniel. Mrs. Briggs is calling. It's getting late. "

I want this moment to last forever but sadly, that's like wishing to grow wing. He slowly draws away from me and I stare at the ground as my cheeks begin to burn uncontrollably. Thank God I'm dark skinned, else I'm sure my face would be as bright as a traffic red light by now.

"Thanks again. " Nathan says as he pulls me into a hug. He then plants a kiss on my forehead.

"See you soon. " He says as he walks away. I can't help but smile sheepishly.  I watch him walk gracefully towards his car. Once at the car, he opens the door and turns around to look at me. He smiles at me once more and my heart explodes in my chest.

He finally gets into his car and its engine roars to life and they soon drive off. My gaze is glued to Nathaniel as he waves at me and I wave back with dreamy eyes. One can say I am drooling and 100% not thinking straight!

"Aunty Juliet, I hail ooh " My heart stops at the sound of these words. I look up at the balcony above me only to find my big brother Austin resting on the railing wiggling his brows down at me. I'm so done!

Fuck sh*t! Did he just see that? My eyes widen so much so one would fear my eyes would pop out.

"Better hurry inside before mummy starts looking for us."  He warns. I take a few seconds to mentally scold myself and also to give a few mental slaps. Why did I have to let my emotions cloud my judgment to the point of kissing a boy a few feet away from my house?

I slap my palm against my forehead before heading back into my backyard and then into my kitchen through the back door.

I lock the door behind me and walk into the house. I find my family in the living room watching an African Magic family show ' My Siblings And I' I love that show. I join Bummi on the couch on which she is sitting and my family does not seem to suspect anything. Austin slowly descends the stairs and we both pass awkward looks at each other. He chuckles a bit before sitting on the floor beside Samson.

"Where are you coming from? " Bummi suddenly asks in a hushed tone. Causing my blood to freeze in my veins.

"I went to the kitchen to get a drink," I reply in an equally hushed tone.

"Well, you don't smell like it!" Bummi replies.
I look over at her in confusion and I find her lips pouted and eyes squinted at me.

"What do you mean I don't smell like it? " I ask in fear and confusion. The mixture of those two emotions is an unbearable pain in the ass.

"You smell good, and not your perfume experiment type of good. " She says scrolling at me. This causes me to gulp.

"You smell like one of those expensive puffs daddy buys from ShopRite." She finishes. Nathaniel's cologne is so strong it rubbed off on me! Oh darn, I'm toast!

"I don't know. Mind your business lardo! " I snap in a hushed tone. Speaking through my teeth. 'London is a nickname I call her. It means little. It's kind of a Yoruba word. 

"I know you are hiding something. We have just! " she replies closing the space between us.

It often baffles me how much this little girl knows. She knows way too much for her age. Like this eight-year-old is a handful.

Later that night after family night prayer, I rush to my room and close the door. I keep smiling sheepishly to myself as memories of tonight flood my mind. Luckily Bummi was tired and has gone to bed early.

To be honest, I am worried, scared, feel stupid, and confused about what happened tonight. Did I make the right choice telling Nathan I'm into him? And if I'm into him does this mean I am not into Victor anymore? And isn't it stupid to accept feelings for a guy that's bout to leave me and head off to California to start a promising modeling career? 

He is a hot model and I'm just clumsy, short, silly, so not hot, nerdy, and a bunch of other uncool stuff years one Senior school student! What was I thinking giving in to my stupid feelings for him? Then it hit me. He didn't say he likes me back!

I crash onto my bed. He didn't say he likes me back! Oh Jade, here you go again. You just seem to love playing tag with embarrassment, don't you? 

I am too lazy to change out of my clothes into my pj's. Where I lay, I see my undone English assignment. Good thing I have a personal notebook in which I study ahead of the class hence doing my assignment before the class. I'd just tear out the page on which I had done this homework and tape it into my actual note. Being a nerd pays sometimes you know.

The next morning, I wake up feeling a bit bubbly. I hum while dressing, getting Bummis hair done, and packing my bag. I finally sit before the mirror. I pack my thick afro forest into two big and firm fluff balls. I smile proudly at the dark-skinned girl smiling at me in the mirror. I take my time admiring the attractive girl before finally applying lip gloss to my lips.

I grab my phone, turn it off before stabbing it into the secret pocket I created for it in my bag. Phones are contrabands in SHA, but you can't expect 'Jade Oluwatobiloba' to obey the rules?
I put my charger and earpiece next.

I look at my mirror. I am tired of the pair of earrings I am currently wearing. So I change it. Putting different ones on each ear. I know, I'm crazy, and that's not the only crazy stuff I do. I also don't tie my shoelaces facing down. Rather my knots face my toes. Lol.

I dance around in a cloud of puff I sprayed before I hear brother Samson screaming about my bus's arrival. Well, the driver is early today.

After hugging Bummi, pecking my mom, hugging my dad, and receiving punches from Austin and Samson, I grab my lunch pack off the dining.

"You owe me an update! " Austin whispers as he shuts the door behind me. I know he is talking bout last night but I just brush it off.

I inhale deeply as I get into my bus. For some reason, it feels like the first day of senior school all over again. Am I this happy cause of one kiss!?.

Wow, Jade, you have got to get to your priorities on track!

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