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It has been a long time since I have been here the place I once considered home Beacon Hills. Back when I had family when I believed the place would always be home and always be safe but then the fire happen and my world changed all because of one person Kate Argent. Now the same woman is the reason I came back she is back from the dead and is top of the Calaveras target list and the top of mine.
As I drive past the beacon hills sign for the first time in years and I have flashbacks of the day before the fire happened.
Flashback to 2005 - The morning of the day of the fire.
Amelia's point of view
"Lia! get up" says Cora to her sleep cousin who is only around 3 or 4 years older
"Cora your supposed to be asleep don't make me wake Derek" says a sleepy Amelia
"I can't sleep Lia Derek isn't home" Cora whispers
"Fine come on I will tuck you in" Amelia says with a groan.
Amelia get out of bed she walks to the Cora's bed and sits beside her she starts telling Cora a story and they both fall asleep.
Later that morning..............
"Lia wake come on breakfast is ready you need to come downstairs" says Derek shaking her awake
" I'm coming now give me a minute and Der you own me for covering for you last night" she says final fully awake
"I will take you out for ice cream tomorrow after school ok I promise"
"Ok deal"she says they walk to downstairs to breakfast together Derek telling all about the game he was going to that night when they get downstairs Amelia notices someone wait at the bottom.
"Uncle Pete" Amelia screams he smiles at her and opens his arms she wraps them around him tightly he hugs her back
"Hey princess come on let have breakfast quick then we will have whole day for our adventures today" says Peter with an smile as they join the rest of the family for breakfast.
Present time.....
I was so caught up in the memory I didn't even realize I had driven straight to the house, the house when it all began to hunt down the woman that killed my family.
I do not own Teen Wolf or it's plot or character sadly only the characters of my own creation such as Amelia Hale.
Starrzz 🌟🌟

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