Chapter 29

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Romans POV

Today was just long in general. School was boring since Summer was out sick. But I at least had my friends for company.

It was later on in the day. Me and Xander were playing some games on the TV in the sitting room. Apparently aswell as Harlow we weren't aloud out of their sight. But Xander was grounded in anyways so he had nothing better to do but make my life miserable. Sinced I snitched on him. This was his way of getting back at me...As well as the toilet incident.

Then the front door opened. In walked Angelo in his usual suit but someone followed behind him. Probably just Jason.

Me and Xander were too engrossed to look back at who it was before Angelo shouted.


Xander paused the game and we looked behind us. At the same time.


"What the hell is she doing here?"

I ignored Xanders comment. Mom held her arms open for me to take which I did. I pulled her close to my arms. I was taller than her and I could feel how skinny she was. But I was still confused on why she was here?

It felt nice to be in her embrace. I always enjoyed it when I could. We then pulled apart. Everyone was looking at us.

Lucas stood beside Xander in the sitting room, Xavier, Harlow and Jordan stood on the stairs looking at us. Xavier had a confused expression he hadn't realised who this woman was.

"How about we all sit down and discuss." Angelo said more of a demand than a question.

Everyone sat on the couch. Angelo and mom standing infront of us. Even Lucas was confused. What was she doing here?

Third Person

Everyone had taken a seat on the couch except Linda and Angelo.

Lindas eyes gazed over all her children how they had grown. How much her two twin boys looked so much like her. She looked at them with awe and nervousness. She really wanted to fix everything and now Angelo has given her the chance to do so.

Lucas looked at Angelo confused. Angelo never mentioned anything to Lucas. A notice would of been nice. Lucas too was hit with all the emotions. He looked at the woman infront of him that he could no longer recognise.

The woman who use to tuck him in bed at night. The woman who use to bake with him. The woman who would them on all sorts of adventures.

But there was no spark left in her green eyes. They looked dull and lifeless. Her long brown hair that use to be so fluffy and healthy. Now broken and notty. The woman he use to know was not here. She had changed.

Xander he couldn't believe it. Was it guilt? No it wasn't that. Was it anger? It wasn't that etheir. Was it sadness? Nope wasn't that either. Remorse? Ding! ding! ding!

He felt remorse for the woman who stood infront of him. He knew she didn't deserve what happened to her and all these emotions were being brought back.

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