Chapter 47: Finally free

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"You are disgusting!"

Jasper and Thomas are innocently drinking juice in the kitchen when Molly and Jim finally return home.

Thomas gets up from the table. "Molly, I promised grandpa I would help him with moving some furniture at the house this afternoon, but I can come over later for Jasper's last night here."

Molly smiles at Thomas as she begins to put some food away from shopping. "Make sure you do! I have steak and Jim is doing a bbq."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Thomas beams as he looks at the younger still seated at the table.

Jasper smiles back. "I guess I can get my bag packed then." He sighs and also gets up to leave the table. "See you later Tom." They make eye contact before going their separate ways.


"Grandpa I'm back!" Thomas walks into the house, but something doesn't seem right. Thomas looks in the living area but his grandfather isn't in his usual easy chair. No old music playing as normal.

Thomas suddenly hears a banging coming from his room. He slowly heads in that direction to see a black bin bag, full of clothes being thrown through the door. Thomas now hurries a little faster to his room to see his grandpa stuffing Thomas' possessions into bin bags. "Grandpa what are you doing?" Thomas asks in shock as he tries to take the half full plastic bag from his grandfather. His grandfather pulls back from the grasp, causing the bag to split, the contents spilling out on the bed and floor.

"You are disgusting!" His grandpa shouts in rage, once again trying to pick up Thomas' possessions, putting them in the now broken bag.

"Grandpa what are you saying?" Thomas is still trying to gather the scattered belongings spread across the floor.

His grandfather picks up his walking stick, which was leaning against the bed and begins to push some papers across the wooden floorboards. "These disgusting images!"

Thomas bends over to pick up one of the loose papers. Turning it over, he sees Jasper's face...his sex face!
"Grandpa you shouldn't be looking at these. They're private!" Thomas bends down, picking up the images and holds onto them tightly in his hand.

"That's the boy isn't it. Molly's old man...his nephew." Why do you have these?" His grandpa has stopped stuffing the bin bag and is now waving his stick at Thomas.

"They're mine...I took them with my camera." Thomas mumbles, looking at his grandpa's feet.

"You did what?" His grandpa is now raising his voice again.

Thomas looks the old man in the face, straightening his stance. Thoughts racing through his mind about what he'd promised to Jasper...about being honest, to himself first and foremost. The time to come clean had to be now. "Grandpa I took those pictures with my camera whilst we had sex."

"You dirty..." his grandpa lifts his stick ready to strike his grandson but Thomas grabs a hold, not letting go.

"You're not going to hit me grandpa." Thomas manages to work the walking stick out of the man's grip, tossing it to one side, it clatters across the floorboards.

"There's something wrong with you boy. You're not natural. It's not natural!" The old man rants at Thomas.

"No grandpa, what's not natural is the way you treat your own family. Rob, Molly, me! You drive them away with your wicked words. Is that why my mother left too?"

"She was a whore! Stupid dreams about fame and fortune! Your gran was too soft on her saying she would raise you two bastards so she could make a new life!" Thomas' grandpa's words were venomous. Thomas felt like they were choking him.

He takes his rucksack from under the bed and begins to stuff the images along with some clothes inside, with his phone and personal effects. "Well you won't have to care about me anymore, not that you did in the first place."

His grandpa laughs at his grandson. "And where do you think you would go mmm? You have nowhere to go!"

"To Molly's...she already said I could always stay with her, but I stupidly said I couldn't leave you." Thomas chuckles to himself sadistically. "How stupid of me!" He zips up the bag and pulls it on his shoulder. "Jim will be back for the rest of my stuff."

His grandfather gets redder in the face with rage. "Don't even think of coming back here boy!"

Thomas turns towards the door. "Wouldn't dream of it!" He shouts over his shoulder, before slamming the door closed.

As Thomas mounted his bike, his body felt so tense and hot. He felt too angry to cry. Too enraged to even breathe a steady breath. Thomas finally came to the realisation that his grandpa was just not a nice person and in some way, through the anger and pain, he felt free. Free from emotional manipulation. He was finally free.

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