31 | My First Job

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She's not here. She's not here, or anywhere. There's no way she would have gone out for a walk... she's scared of going alone at night. Unless she did.

Where the hell is she? I search around her room, for something, anything. I swear... if anything bad happened to her... No. Nothing's going to happen. You won't let it happen.

I run a frustrated hand through my hair, just as I notice a pink sticky note through the corner of my eye.

I'm going home. Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry for everything.

Don't look for me. - Bailey

I need to go look for her. She can't make it out there. It's too dangerous... she's safe with me. I need to find her. I need to.

Without a moment's thought, I grab my keys and rush towards one of my cars. I don't care if she's a witness anymore. I want her back. Thankfully her dad is in jail, so she's not in all that much trouble. But where will she stay?

I speed up my car, heading towards the place she used to live in. All I can think about is that she left, and she might not come back. For the first time since a year, I felt like there might be something more. Something to look forward to everyday yet now she's gone.

And I was such a bitch to her. I wouldn't blame her if she never wanted to see me again.

But I have to try. I can't just give up. I want her to be mine and I'll be hers without a moment's thought. Since Ava, I never felt like I could trust myself with someone, but Bailey kept proving me otherwise.

And now I fucked up.


But if I get her back, I promise I won't treat her like that ever again. I'll keep her on a pedestal. Admire her like a queen.

I just want her to let me in. Trust me. I know it's going to take a while for her to warm up to me, but when she does, I'm all her's. I want her. I need her.

I'll quit smoking. Hell, I'll never look at a cigarette ever again. It was so hard to let go of Ava and now I found her in Bailey. Letting go of Bailey now... I can't do that.

Once I arrive, I hurry out of the car and race up to her apartment door. My knuckles rap on the door. "Bailey! It's me. Adrian... I'm so sorry. Please come back. Open the door!"

I don't get a reply. So I do the most reasonable thing. I break down the door. With a gun.

The apartment still has a slight stench of alchol, and just a little bit of blood... from that ugly day. That day was my fault too.

But I won't let it happen again. I'll keep her right in front of my eyes. I won't even sleep. I'll watch over her day and night, and I'll make sure she doesn't even get a scratch.

I just want her back.

I'll do anything for that.

After a thorough search of the apartment, I didn't find anything, except a few shards of broken glass in Bailey's room. And a blood covered knife. I feel anger rising at the thought of her going through this everyday.

Her dad going to jail wasn't enough.

Nine years and he'll be back. He'll keep drinking, and if not Bailey, he'll hurt someone else. Nine years isn't enough.

But right now, I need to find Bailey. Say sorry, ask her to come home. I'll do anything, at any cost to get her back.

Leaving the apartment as it is, I head towards the place she told me she worked in. The bakery. She needs to work, if she's going to live here by herself. So, she's probably here. And school isn't over, so she won't have left the district.

I barge through the bakery, taking the customers by surprise. "Where's the owner of this place?" I ask an employee. Her badge says Gabby.

"She's off today."

"I need to see her."

"If you have a problem with our customer service, then don't be a customer," She seethes. I tilt my head in confusion. "Also putting it out there that we have the right to refuse service to anyone."

"Uh... no I had some personal business with her."

She raises an eyebrow suspiciously. "She'll be back around five. You'll have to wait until then."

I groan. That's one more hour. You're doing this for Bailey. Do it for Bailey.

I notice a flash of blonde in the kitchen. "Does a person named Bailey work here?"

"We're not allowed to reveal any information to strangers."

"Can I go in the kitchen?"

"You need to work here."

Am I really going to wait until her shift is over? "Just let me in, woman."

"First off... no. Second off... are you going to buy something? If not then please leave."

This is terrible. I know there's an employee only backdoor which Bailey can leave through and following her is just really creepy. I need to talk to her now, and this Gabby won't let me through.

Either... I buy something and eat it for the whole day.

"Are you looking for any help?"

"You want to work here?"

I sigh. "Yes."

"You're hired."

"Wait... actually?"

"Yeah. I'm in charge of hiring people, and I can also fire them. So get working!"

"What do I do?"

"Go help Bailey in the kitchen... if you fail to make a perfect pancake or a nice milkshake, you're on janitor duty."

"Yes ma'am," I mumble before I dash towards the kitchen. Where's Bailey? Fuck, she's not here. Does that mean I actually have to cook? I can ask Blake to scare the customers awa- Wait no, he's still hurt.

Anna's completely out of the question.

Okay, son. You're going to have to make food.

Can I just order and then pretend I made them? God, I'll mess up.

Do this for Bailey. 


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now get me a man who'll do this for me. all the guys in my school are shit. they're hot. but they're shit. new jersey... damn. 

i mean... i was listening to sad music while writing the first part of this chapter, so yeah. 

anyway, love you!

Tattoos and Scars | Completed, UneditedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat