Halloween Chapter (2/2): Rip and Tear, Until it is Done

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"RIP... AND TEAR!!!"

Three words and a memory is what it takes to trigger the most violent response in your body. The ground shook briefly before it became still again. Your skin, now fully replaced with fire hotter than the sun itself, grabbed one of the Imps and ripped it to shreds.

The demons took a full step back when they realized who they were dealing with. They roared at you with fear and defiance. A Hell Knight tried to swipe at you, but you caught the demon's large hands ripped it off the sockets. Wasting no time, you ripped both its legs off before discarding the demon to the side. The Hell Knight roared in agony as blood leaked from his many holes.

"You're not getting a quick finish like her... You deserve a slow... painful... death. Just like the rest of you." You muttered as you point your finger to the rest of the demons.

That got them riled up as three Barons, two Pain Elementals, four Mancubis, and two Marauders showed up.

"Hehehe... You asked for it. Don't go crying on me now."


"What the fuck is happening over there?!" Ironwood asked in frustration as the sound of shouting, screaming, roaring and gunfire was heard beyond the cold, dead steel door.

"It's been over half an hour since this door was locked. We can't get it to open no matter what we do to it." Said Sienna as she kicked the door with spite.

Suddenly, the colors of the door, which was red turned green and the door opened.

"Finally, it's about time that-"




"I'm gonna puke."

One of the White Fang soldiers puked right on the spot as the sight and smell surprised them in ways they cannot describe except puking or put their hands above their mouths in shock as you stab both horns from the Marauder into his eyes before tearing him apart.

When things weren't bad enough, they heard a low cry coming from their right. They looked, and they wished they never did.

A Fireborne Baron crawling towards them with the lower half of his body gone. The group watched in silent horror as it reached out to them desperately.

"Is it... crying for help?" An Atlesian Soldier asked as she tried to approach it.

Suddenly, your hand shot through the darkness, and grabbed the end of the Baron's severed spine. The Baron began flailing and crying as he got dragged into the darkness. To the group's misfortune, the lights in the room went back up and saw you bring your right foot down onto the Baron's skull.

Everyone flinched at the sight and sound of your kill. Some began heaving as the blood and guts of the demon landed in their faces or body.

You didn't help calming things down as you turn away and began finishing off the demons that tried to crawl away from the bloodied room. The sounds of bones cracking and guts spilling was gut wrenching to the point that Sienna and Ironwood had to hold you back by the arms.

"(Y/N)! Stop it this instant! You're losing yourself to your own madness!" He said in an authoritative tone as he grabbed your right arm put his foot down on your right leg. Sienna mirrored Ironwood and did the same to your left arm and leg.

"No! You don't understand! These... things must die! They are a blight! You can't... stop me!" You said through your gritting teeth. Before you could shake the two off from you, the whole facility shook violently, staggering some of the soldiers.

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