08 | on my team

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On Friday night as I'm watching Scream for a film assignment, I get a text from Jack. I'm already in my pajamas, ready to head to bed soon.

Party is tonight
Want me to pick you up?

Fuck off

I thought you wanted
the full college experience

Not with you
Also, Archer would
kill me

I'll make sure he
doesn't find out
Trust me

Why should I?

Because you love me


Scar, I'm sorry about
the other night

But just let me make
it up to you

I'll explain everything

When I don't answer for a few minutes, he texts again.

You're more than just
another girl to me

I stare at his words for a few more minutes, wrestling with my own thoughts. Am I?

What's in it
for me?

You'll see
You won't regret it

As much as I want to keep giving him the silent treatment for a few more days, I'm drawn to the prospect of finally going to a party without my brother getting in the way. And seeing if his actions match his words.

Pulling myself out from under my covers, I throw on an outfit and put on a bit of makeup. It's not for him, I tell myself.

He texts me the address, picking up on the fact that I don't want him to pick me up. The frat house isn't very far away, so I decide to walk. Not like I can ask Archer to give me a ride so I can meet up with his best friend at a frat party.

Not knowing anyone and too proud to text Jack that I'm here, I head to the kitchen to get a drink. I'm thirsty for anything that will prepare me for talking to him for the first time since the basketball game.

As soon as I enter the kitchen, a meaty arm wraps itself around my shoulders, pulling me closer to the source of some stale beer-breath.

"Hey, are you lost?" He asks, blocking my way to the counter full of drinks. "I can be your tour guide 'round the house, if you want."

"No, I'm good," I say, a bit annoyed. I push past him quickly, but he keeps talking.

"You're a fiesty one. You're lucky I like my kittens with some claws," he says, following up the putrid pick-up line with a low growl. Kill me.

I pour a beer into a solo cup and write my name on the rim. "Hey, if I can guess your name on the first try, will you give me a kiss?" He asks, leaning on the counter. Before I can say no, he says, "Scarlett. I'm right, aren't I?"

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