Chapter 7: Good to Worst

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Katherine Wright

After exiting the store with loads and loads of bags Nate decided to take me for lunch. Apparently staying hungry for too long wasn't good for his muscles. He took me to a fancy looking restaurant where we had our lunch. And then we went home. Home. Sounds odd.
But I had a really good time with Nate today. He helped me with my bags. And then excused himself.

"Hey Nate." I called out.


"I had a really good time today. Thank you so much. For all the stuff and for your time. It means a lot." He gave me a smile.

"Anytime little sister." And with that he left. I couldn't help but think how he called me his sister. Something none of them had made me feel like. It was 2 PM. I arranged all of my stuff and set up my canvas. I had gone too long without my art and couldn't wait any longer. This was my first painting in London. I wanted it to be something special. Something that reminded me of today. For once I wanted to paint something real. So I decided on London

I was almost done with the painting. Just some finishing touches were left. Thankfully I had changed when I came back. I didn't wanted to spoil the beautiful white linen. I was covered in paint. It was already 6 PM by the time I finished. I was about to go and change when somebody knocked on the door. Before I could answer the door opened reveal Sebastian. Why bother knocking buddy?

"Hey. We have a cousin-that is amazing. Did you paint that?" He said looking at my painting.

"Well I am covered in paint." I said in duh tone.

"Its beautiful. Its perfect. Do you paint often?"

"I do. Almost every single day."

"Do you always paint real things?"

"No. This was my first try actually. My art is more on the....imaginative side."

"Umm..yeah. I was hear to tell you that we have a cousin sister Chloe. And she is coming to dinner tonight...and wants to meet you. So be ready at seven okay."

"Yeah. Thanks for telling." He nodded and left. Today was turning out to be a really good day. A cousin sister. Wow. The family keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I decided on wearing something a bit formal as it was a family dinner. I decided on black dress which fell just below my knees. I was lucky in the height department. 5'5 was not bad for a 15 year old. So the dress looked bearable on me. It was 6:50 PM. I headed downstairs.

To my surprise they were all standing near the door to welcome her. Chloe must be older than us. That's why all my brothers were waiting for her as a sign of respect. But then the doorbell rang and the door was opened who looked just my age. A year older maybe but not more than that. Ohh..

"Heyy alex" she said hugging him. And he reciprocated the hug. Wow. And I cant even be called Kat? She then hugged each one of them including Silas. As a matter of fact he looked the happiest on her arrival. And I was called a whore.

Was I comparing myself to her? And if yes..why? I was nothing like her. She was gorgeous. She had blonde hair. She knew how to carry herself. She fitted in perfectly around my brothers. And who was I again? Nothing. A nobody. A scum my brothers were stuck with. Sure they haven't kicked me out...yet probably out of pity. But how long before they do?

"Is that her? I mean I can see some resemblance but she does look a little...out of place" She said looking at me.

"I mean it must have overwhelmed her. Hi I'm Chloe, their sister...maybe yours too." She said looking me top to bottom.

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