15 🌙 Favorite distraction

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Luna Larsson

This entire week was just weird...Period. I didn't know how to feel after reading Zander's texts. I was hurt and angry with him, scared too as I was coming to see that our relationship wasn't as rose-colored as I thought it was, and I didn't know how to deal with that, but mostly disappointed with myself because I let him waltz over me over and over. It took some time to realize and now I finally did, I didn't know how to act on it. Push him away? Give him chance after chance? I didn't know yet.

I was giving myself time to figure it out because even though he had hurt me, and I was realizing he wasn't exactly my prince in shining armor, but my feelings also just didn't die from one day to the next, and that was bugging me. I still loved him, but I also didn't know whether that was enough. I tried to keep my distance from him, trying to flatten my emotions, trying to see him in a different light, but the fact he kept calling and trying to hang out wasn't helping. At least he was trying. The entire week I had just been running around campus, hiding behind my books to keep myself distracted, answering his calls once in a while, only to come up with an awful excuse.

If I wasn't confused already, I had to run into Jules, Mara gorgeously sitting on his lap like it was her throne. I felt myself roll my eyes at them while trying to quicken my pace into the building I was heading and then... Well, then my entire world flipped upside down when the butterflies in my stomach awakened at his touch, my nerves stood on edge by the sound of his voice and my mind went wild at the thought of his lips close to mine. It felt wrong, but so right at the same time. He made me feel alive when I felt like slowly dying. He even had smoothly found a way to get my number and his confident demeanor swept me away more than ever.

It was Saturday morning, and I was staring at my screen, waiting for a text from a certain someone to light up my phone or to find the courage to send one myself. The memory of him sending me those texts while watching him smirk across the hallway still magically made me smile and when my phone finally lit up it made the curve of my lips slowly disappear. Him.

Zander: Please come over tonight... Haven't seen you all week? Hanging out the night before a game always calms my nerves. We could watch a movie? Your pick. <3

I sighed deeply, unsure if going over right now was really what I wanted. It was apparently what he needed, but did I? I told Sophia about what happened, I really didn't have a choice as she basically made me spill the tea. She can always sense when something's up, and she was right. She told me to make him work for it while that gave me time to think, but a week later my thoughts were still all over the place. I didn't want to waste precious time, but I also didn't want to leave people disappointed if that makes sense, nothing did anymore.

Me: I'll be there at seven.

At exactly seven I parked my scrap Mini in front of the frat house. I sat in my car for a few minutes, completely absorbed by my thoughts. This is a bad idea... He's going to sweettalk me again, but I also don't want to get into an argument the night before the game, not when I heard some big scouts are going to be there. Just keep calm... It'll be fine.

I walked inside and straight went to his room, knowing he would be waiting there. I was right, he was sitting behind his desk, his hands going through his dirty blonde hair like he was frustrated and the grunt escaping from his throat confirmed that. "Hi." I whispered while knocking on the opened door.

"Oh hey..." He turned in his chair to face me, his eyes wandering over my frame. I was dressed for a movie night which required leggings and a hoodie. "You look cute." He smirked, waiting for me to come over to him, because by the looks of it he wasn't moving from behind that desk.

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