Chapter 19

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"Seriously?" Lex and Rosalie groaned simultaneously under their breath as they heard a motorcycle rumbling towards the house. Even though the scent hadn't hit them yet, it was very obviously Jacob. They literally didn't know anyone else who rode a motorcycle.

If Jacob was showing up, the rest of the wolves were going to find out— if they hadn't already. And as much as Lex wanted to have a mutually respectful relationship with them, she knew that only trouble would come from them finding out about Bella's pregnancy. Even Edward, the fetus's co-creator, wasn't on board with the whole situation. And if he wasn't, why should the wolves be? So, yeah, neither Lex or Rosalie were psyched about Jacob showing up.

"What is it?" Bella asked from her position on the couch. She had been home for two weeks now, and she looked terrible. Her skin was paler than it usually was, her cheeks were sunken, and her eyes had deep purple bags under them. She looked like an extra in a zombie film.

"Someone's coming to the house," Rosalie muttered.

Before anyone could answer her, Carlisle had opened the door.

"Is it true?" Jacob stormed in.

"Hello, Jacob," Carlisle greeted. "How are you?"

Jacob paced restlessly around the room. "Listen, just give it to me straight."

"Jake, is that you?" Bella called from where the rest of the Cullens were. Lex could see Rosalie tense ever-so-slightly as Bella caught Jacob's attention. She leaned closer to the blonde girl in a subtle attempt to comfort her.

"She's here?" Jacob asked Carlisle in the other room.

"They came home two weeks ago," Carlisle sighed. Jacob's footsteps grew nearer as he rushed to find Bella.

"Jake," Carlisle tried to catch his attention, but Jacob ignored him and proceeded up the stairs. Everyone stood and watched vigilantly as Jacob walked further into the room. Lex didn't even need to look at Rosalie to know that she was ready to attack if he made even the slightest wrong move.

"I'm glad you came," Bella said, as Jacob tried to get a closer look at her. Rosalie refused to move out of the way— she had been very protective of the baby since Bella had come home.

"Close enough," Rosalie spoke as she stepped forward. Lex's eyes were trained on the situation at hand— she wasn't going to let anything happen to her mate. She didn't care if that meant hurting Bella's mutt.

"What's your problem?" Jacob asked, not breaking eye-contact from the blonde vampire.

"Rose, it's okay," Bella spoke. Lex resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Just because Rosalie was helping to protect the baby didn't mean that she and Bella were suddenly friends. Lex had witnessed first-hand how much her mate had been struggling with this whole situation, and Bella was perfectly content giving out orders and nicknames. It was bullshit.

Whatever, Lex thought. As long as Rosalie was alright, then she had no reason to cause any problems. But if anything changed, and Rosalie decided that she couldn't handle this anymore, then Lex was going to be the first person to back her up. Even if that meant leaving the other Cullens.

Rosalie allowed for Jacob to walk past her.

"You look terrible," he smiled at Bella. Lex felt an unreasonable amount of anger swell up inside of her. Jacob irritated her. Bella had literally married another guy, and Jacob was still fucking obsessed with her. Just because he saw himself as a 'nice guy' didn't mean that Bella, or anyone else for that matter, owed him anything. It was pathetic.

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