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Chapter 16: (Ethan's POV)

I stood there, watching her grin like a fool, jumping around at her victory. "See! Anyone can be beat! Ah-ha!" she exclaimed, strutting over to me. 

"Yeah, sure. Anyone can be beat after seven games," I nodded. 

"Shhh!" She chuckled, clamping her hand over my mouth, "Don't mention it," she whispered, going on her toes and leaning in closer to me. 

I lifted a brow at her, my hands on the table as I leaned forward. "Why?" I asked, grabbing her wrist and pulling her in front of me, my hands on either side of her, trapping her between me and the table. 

"Because... don't mention it," she repeated. 

"Just... don't mention it?" I frowned in confusion. 

"Right," she nodded. We both fell silent, staring at each other. "I'm hungry," she mumbled. 

"Then we'll go get a bite, come on," I said, taking her by the hand and leading her to the restaurant within the arcade that was upstairs. We sat down and scanned through the laminated menu. 

"What can I get for you today?" a waiter asked, coming up to us, as little enthusiastic as possible. 

Olive and I looked at each other before looking at the waiter. "Uh... I'll take a club sandwich with some fries and one iced tea," Olivia said before turning to me. 

"I'll take the same thing," I answered. 

"Will that be all?" he asked, looking back and forth between us. 

"Yes, that'll be all," I replied. He stood there, writing the order down at a snail's place. "Um... actually, can we please get a different wait-" I stopped talking, stiffening and resisting a wince when Olivia kicked my leg. "That'll be all," I cleared my throat. 

"Your food will be brought within 15 minutes, have a nice day," he said monotonously before walking away. 

"Don't be mean, not everyone likes their job," she said, spinning the menu around on the table. 

"Then why do they do it?" I mumbled. 

"To make money. Obviously." 

I sighed, "Okay." I put my hands up in surrender, "All right." 

"Can I ask you something? It's kind of personal," she said. 

"Sure, I can't promise a complete answer though," I nodded. 

"Are you close with your family? Your parents and everything?" she inquired. 

"I'm really close with my mom, a fair amount with my dad," I shrugged, "Why do you ask?" I eyed her. 

She shook her head, "No reason. Just curious." 

I leaned forward, "Are you close with your family?" I asked. 

"Not really," she answered. 

"Why not?" I questioned. 

"My parents have always been anywhere but at home. They travel a lot for work together, it's always been this way. I think since I was four years old," she shrugged. 

"Four years old?" 

She nodded, "I actually think my first memory is seeing my parents off at the airport, that's the first memory that comes to mind. Everything before that is all thanks to birthday photographs." 

"D- does that bother you?" I asked, clearing my throat. 

"It doesn't bother me per se, it's just annoying." 

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