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Chapter Dedicated to
afiyafath5 ❤️

Chapter edited by
Thanks alot dear ❤️



Isn't life weird? You Meet an a unexpected person, in an a unexpected Moment,
And you fall in love with them.

I know everything went by so fast,
Brayden kidnapping her,
Me confessing my love.
But I don't know what to do, for the first time in my life, I am scared.
Scared of losing someone,
Scared of losing her.

Which ever way I am walking through,
I want her to be my destination.
I wiped the sweat from my forehead,
The only thought of losing her tightened my heart.
As if someone has tied a rope around my heart and strangling it .

it's now been a week, from the last time I saw her,
I informed Tyler to keep an a eye on her,
I don't want her to be in any danger.

"Bhai" I came out of my thoughts when I saw Mom, dani, my two best friends and Aameen staring at me,
I raised my brow questioning "what?"
"Someone is terribly Missing our bhabhi,
I mean soon to be bhabhi" said qasif smirking.
"I know right" added ishan,
"I miss Diya" said Dani sadly,
"You will meet her Soon Dani" said Aameen pulling dani's cheeks to which she glared.

Mom invited ishan and qasif to have lunch with us so that's reason they are here,
"What about madiya?" Questioned mom pouring water on my glass,
I shook my head telling her I don't know anything about her.

I spoke to Mom about her,
And she was jumping up in joy telling me that you finally found your girl.
Staring at my untouched food, I turned my attention back at them.

Aameen put his left hand under his chin
Staring at me,
As for ishan he was raising his brows in a questioning manner, I rolled my eyes at him .
Qasif let out chuckle at which he earned a glare from me.

"What's wrong with you all?" I questioned irritated,
What's wrong with you?" Ishan questioned back,
"Exactly what's wrong with you brother"
Added Aameen,
"Zayyan give her some time she'll accept you, if she doesn't you will get someone better" said qasif chuckling.
I gave him a hard glare,
I know they are trying to lighten up my mood,
But it's not working.

"It's a sight to see that zayyan Hussain Malik is so in love" mumbled ishan to himself which we heard it unfortunately.

I stood up to move when I heard someone calling my name,
I turned my head back when I saw chase making his way towards Me.

"Sir something important" said chase holding a brown plain envelope in his hand " go to my study, I'll be there" I said to which he nodded.


"What's the matter?" I questioned,
"Sir this envelope" he handed me the envelope,
Taking it I read.

"Mr zayyan Hussain Malik,
Your girl is so beautiful man, but don't worry I won't kidnap her the way Brayden did ,
But if I do, it will be the end of you.

MR, M.

Mr M? Who is this Now?
"Did you find out who wrote this?" I questioned
"No sir , I checked the CCTV footage to know who dropped this envelope, but couldn't find out" I nodded.
"You can leave" I said still holding the envelope in my hand,
She isn't safe,
I paced back and forth trying to figure out who Mr M Is .

I have to take a step Now, before it's too late.
I made my way towards my Mom who is busy watching TV.

" Mom let's take a step Now before it's too late" I said handing her the envelope,
She stared at me confused,
Reading the envelope, she turned her gaze back at me,
Standing up from the couch she spoke" Madiya doesn't deserve this,
I know I didn't Meet her, but the way Aameen said me about her feeble state when she got kidnapped, that broke me,
She is too innocent I know that,
Let's do it before it's too late"
She said as a tear escaped her eyes.
" Mom stop crying and trust me nothing will happen to her,
I won't allow anyone to touch what's mine, and you know that very well"
I said as I hugged her.

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