Chapter 15

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Martina's POV

"Will you get up from that bed and do something instead of mourning over your crush?" My mom said and pulled my covers off of me.
"Don't speak like you're not actually at fault for it. Leave me alone." I said and pulled the covers back over my body.

"I already told you that he is a dangerous man, Martina. I need to protect you."
"Why don't you understand that you don't need to protect me anymore? I can take care of myself. But you only hurt me after what you did." I snapped. She looked at me with different emotions flowing in her eyes.

"You don't understand." She responded stubbornly.
"Mom, I love that man and you're at fault that I can't see him." I admitted. She flinched a bit after hearing my confession.

"You what? Martina, that man is 14 years older than you, runs a mafia and has enemies that can hurt you. Are you in your right mind?" She tried to persuade me.

"But what if it's right, mom? I love him because of him. Just like you loved dad." When I said that, she looked defeated and stepped out of my room. I know I hit her in a spot, but it's true.

My dad was part of a mafia. After I entered the house that day and mom came after me, she explained me how, Mr. Hall and she, know each other.

My dad was in Mr. Hall's boss's mafia and my mom worked for them as a private nurse. That was before I was born. She said that she got to know Mr. Hall when he was only thirteen. His boss took him in after he lost his parents. But when I was born, mom and dad left his organization and found normal jobs.

I was shook when I heard all of this. I felt sorry for Mr. Hall. Loosing parents at such a young age is not easy, then you get accepted in mafia after not fully understanding what do they do. He suffered a lot and nobody was there to comfort him.

I decided to get up and take a shower. I have been doing nothing these past few days except going to school and studying. I just miss him a lot and I can't erase the thoughts about him.

He always kept me motivated and there is no motivation anymore. How can I move on when he is all I can think about?

Theodor's POV

"Get your lazy ass up. You were in this bed for too long." I heard Andres yell as he pulled the covers off of me. What's his problem now?
"I don't want to." I whined and buried my face in my pillow.
"What are you now? A baby?"

"I won't let my best friend to die in his bed because of a heartbreak. You have to move on, mate." He encouraged me.
"I can't, Andres. She is all I can think about. I feel guilty because I let her go easily. I should have fought for her. But I came out as a worst coward." I explained while looking at him.

"I know it's not easy for you. But even if you tried, her mom probably wouldn't let her. So you should stop blaming yourself and face the reality."
"Why you have to be so harsh?" I frowned. He chuckled and rolled me of the bed where I fell on the floor groaning. This little sh*t.

I got up from the floor and entered my bathroom. I took a long shower and shaved my beard after. I looked like a decent man after looking like a caveman. I already transferred everything to Andres. I'm glad that he is doing well in the company.

I finally feel free after letting go of the mafia and the company. I'm happier now, but I will never be happy to the fullest if I don't have my princess in my arms. I miss her so much.

I miss her big blue eyes, her long blonde hair that always had strawberry scent. I miss her smile that will make me smile right away. I miss everything about her. I wish I can hold her in my arms all day and night now.

Mafia's Little Girl (rewritten version)☑Where stories live. Discover now