𝐗𝐈𝐈. the fourth brethren court

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𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐀 banged a cannonball on the large table, silencing the rowdy room of pirates

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𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐀 banged a cannonball on the large table, silencing the rowdy room of pirates.

"as he who issued summons, i convene this, the fourth brethren court," barbossa announced. "to confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow sailors."

bella stood beside him. she stared around the room in awe. the people surrounding her were pirating legends. there was chevalle the penniless frenchman; lord of the black sea. mistress ching; lord of the pacific ocean. gentleman jocard; lord of the atlantic ocean. sumbhajee angria; lord of the indian ocean, and eduardo villanueva; lord of the adriatic sea.

ragetti held a small wooden bowl. each of the lords placed their pieces of eight inside.

"those aren't pieces of eight," pintel muttered, observing them. "they're just pieces of junk."

"aye, the original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind calypso, but when the first court met, the brethren were to a one, skint broke," gibbs replied.

"so change the name," grumbled pintel.

"to what? 'nine pieces of whatever we happened to have in our pockets at the time'?" gibbs rolled his eyes. "oh yes, that sounds very piratey."

"master ragetti, if you will," barbossa turned to the wooden-eyed pirate.

"i kept it safe for you, just like you said when you gave it to me," he squeaked.

"aye, you have, but now i need it back," barbossa responded. he whacked ragetti on the back of the head, and his wooden eye popped out. he placed it in the bowl.

"miss stevens," barbossa gestured to the bowl.

bella raised her eyes to meet his, and pulled out her piece of eight. she gently placed the playing card in the bowl.

"sparrow!" villanueva shouted.

bella turned around to where jack stood. he reached up to touch the coin dangling from his bandana.

"might i point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and i'm content as a cucumber to wait until sao feng joins us!" jack smiled, walking up to join them at the table.

"sao feng is dead," rang a female voice from behind them. "he fell to the flying dutchman."

they turned around to see elizabeth stab her sword into the brethren globe. the pirates rose to their feet and broke out into angry chatter.

"the plagued ship!!" exclaimed mistress ching.

"he made you captain?" bella said in shock as elizabeth walked up beside them.

"they're just giving the bloody title away now," added jack.

elizabeth ignored him. "listen to me! listen," she shouted. the pirates settled down. "our location has been betrayed. jones is under the command of lord beckett, they're on their way here."

IN THE ASHES / j. sparrowWhere stories live. Discover now