chapter eighteen

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k e e f e   s e n c e n

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k e e f e   s e n c e n

"foster c'mon. we're here." keefe shook sophie by the shoulders. as her eyes fluttered open keefe collected the rest of his things. swinging his backpack over his shoulder and slipping in his book sophie chuckled behind him. he gave her a confused look and she explained.
"i just never thought i'd see you anywhere near a book. no offense but you don't really seem like the type."
keefe smiled and showed her the cover. "well you'd be right. i'm just reading up on different hair products."
"so you're telling me your hair doesn't naturally do that on it's own?"
"i hate to break it to you but i don't roll out of bed with this good a head of hair."
"you boys and your hair." linh interrupted. "tam spends hours on his too. you're so alike i'm surprised you're not friends."
"i don't think people are usually friends with their ex's boyfriends." keefe's comment soured the mood and no one spoke another word until arriving to the park. della and alden led the senior class passed the admission booth, showing their v.i.p. passes to security, and everyone split off in different directions.
"whaddya wanna do first?" linh asked.
"we should probably measure ourselves. y'know see how many rides are limited cuz of foster's height." keefe chuckled.
"true. she's pretty short." agreed linh.
"hey don't say short. i'm just vertically challenged." sophie defended.
"alright well whatever you wanna call it." keefe led their small group over to the measuring sticks which were placed beside human size statues of candy. he smiled when sophie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "different heights get their own candy names." her brows furrowed down more, if that was even possible.
linh sighed and took over. "don't worry i'd be confused with the way he's explaining it too. basically if you're 36 inches or shorter you'd be labeled as a hershey mini. 36 to 42 inches you're a hershey kiss, 42 to 48 is a reese's, 48 to 54 is hershey bar, 54 to 60 is a twizzler, and anything taller is a jolly rancher." sophie's face brightened in understanding, even more when the statues came into view.
keefe walked right up to the jolly rancher and was pleased he surpassed the requirement by more than a foot. "don't look too happy with yourself. being taller than 5 feet isn't that big of an achievement." linh looked to sophie, who was grinning from ear to ear and seemed to be only an inch or two above the twizzler line. keefe cocked up an eyebrow at her and linh grumbled to herself. "for most people, okay?"
"congrats foster, you can go on the big kid rides with me and linh. just do me a favor and try not to get lost in the crowd of fifth graders. i might take a blonde twelve year old back to boston with me by accident." sophie glared at him in anger.
"oh my gosh, linh is that you?!" squealed a dark haired girl carrying about fifty string bags. linh grinned and wrapped the girl in a hug.
"it's so good to see you again!" she beamed. "oh sorry. sophie, keefe, this is megan. she's one of my best friends from exilium." linh explained. "what are you doing here? and why are you carrying so many bags?"
megan laughed and looked at the strings starting to mark up her arms. "as you know, hershey park's our go to amusement park after we win a swim tournament. we struggled so bad without you last year, but there's this new girl, umber, who won like 3 gold metals for our team." linh's eyes widened in surprise and urged her on.
"wait linh, you swim?" sophie interjected.
"you didn't know? she was famous for all the championships she carried our school to victory." megan bragged.
linh blushed and rolled her eyes. "i wouldn't say i carried-"
"yes you definitely did. hey do you think you have time to see the rest of the team? they sent me to hold a place in line for icecream while they rode the skyrush. way too scary for me."
"i know what ride we're doing first." keefe smirked at sophie as she cringed in disagreement.
"would you guys mind if i hung out with them for a while?"
"go ahead. looks like you got a lot of catching up to do. i'll text if it's getting late." sophie offered.
"thanks! you guys are the best!" linh cheered.
they started walking to the icecream line before megan turned back around "you guys make an adorable couple by the way!"
"we're not-ugh." sophie sighed when megan spun around.
"no point in correcting her. we'll be dating soon enough anyway." sophie swatted keefe and walked ahead.
"you're going back to the entrance" he called. in a huff, sophie speeded over and passed him again. "we're riding skyrush first by the way. it's not too far and megan made it sound awesome."
"i can't believe linh swims." sophie started. "i mean, i feel like i should know that."
"is someone jealous?" he turned around to face sophie as they continued walking.
"you're gonna trip if you keep walking backwards. and no i'm not jealous." keefe gave her a pointed look and she changed her answer. "okay fine. maybe i'm a little jealous."
"considering you've been friends with her for like what? two days? megan has a leg up on you. with time i'm sure you'll become just as close." sophie gave him a soft smile and a quick hug.
"if you were a girl i'd invite you to my sleepover tonight."
"there's a slumber party without me?" he said acting completely distraught.
"woah would you look at that..."
"stop trying to change the subject." keefe pouted.
"it won't be nearly as fun without you."
"whatever." he grumbled. "you have to make it up to me by riding every ride here with me."
"that'll take all day."
"we have all day."
"who says i want to spend all day with you?" sophie countered.
"i do. now let's go i wanna see what the hype is all about." keefe dragged her over to the skyrush line.
"hold on." a hershey park employee stopped the two before they could get in line. "excuse me ma'am would you mind standing against this hershey bar." keefe held in his laughter as sophie grudgingly walked over to the measuring stick. "great. go ahead."
"the worst part isn't that he called you out. it's that he let the group of fifth graders go without question." keefe chortled.
"would you shut up? this is why you weren't invited to the sleepover." sophie crossed her arms and took her place behind the tweens.
"you fit right in." he whispered motioning to the group.
"ugh!" she threw her hands up in the air and faced the front of the line. keefe and sophie were up in minutes. the ride seemed to go by quick which meant it was fast, something he was sure sophie hated. they moved into their seats and buckled in. a couple minutes later they shot off. the feeling was exhilarating and freeing. it was nice to feel the wind against his face and blowing his hair out of his eyes. when he looked beside him sophie's eyes were as wide as saucers and water was gathering in the corners of them. as they went upside down sophie screamed right into his ear. "I HATE YOUUUUU!!!" her voice wavered as they went over bumps.
seconds later they were back where they started and sophie sprung out of her seat with a horrified look on her face. the fifth graders gleefully jumped out of their chairs and chanted "again! again! again!" keefe had to hold her back from attacking them.
"i-i i don't understand how children so young can take so much." sophie looked genuinely terrified so keefe led her to a small pretzel cart outside of the skyrush ride. he bought her a bottle of water and a soft pretzel for himself. she chugged the water and then snatched keefe's pretzel, taking a massive bite out of it.
"hey!" keefe argued.
"don't hey me! you forced me to go on that dreadful ride the least you can do is buy me a pretzel." sophie took another bite out of it before handing it back to him. "too salty." she puckered her lips and finished the water in her bottle.
keefe looked down at his half eaten pretzel in disappointment. those two bites were huge, and not even well spent. he ate the rest of his pretzel and tugged on sophie's arm. "ready for another ride?" he asked with one raised eyebrow and a smirk.

sorry for the such slow updates. homework has just been packing up on me and i've barely found any time to write. i haven't had too much motivation either because of quarantine and just being away from everyone is really driving me crazy. anyway stay safe and i hope you like the update! :)

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