22 -Truth or Dare

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Before I could take a step forward, Parth held my hand stopping me, "You have drunk a lot. I think you are not in the sense to accept and play with them. "

"Look Mr. Parth Saxton! You have no right to stop me. And I am not drunk. I am in the right sense of accepting to play. And I am tolerant of alcohol. So you have nothing to worry about. If you are scared, you can go and chill. "

Well! What I said was true. I am not drunk--- yet. I am tolerant of alcohol for an hour or so... I don't know! But for now I am okay. I guess so? I am okay right? I will be.

I then moved towards that group and made myself a place in the circle. A boy came near me and gave me a flirty smile. The only thing I hate when I wear these kinds of dresses is attracting these flirts. They are too cliche to my liking. I ignored him and sat down.

Before he could sit next to me, Parth pushed him off and sat near me. Someone is so pushy today! Cute boy! I looked at the two Parth in front of me. Wait a minute! Two? I shook my head and then looked at the one and only Parth with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Let me explain the game before we start. The game is pretty simple. An empty bottle is placed on the table in the middle of the circle. Someone should spin the bottle. Whoever the bottle opening points to, is the player who should play and the person who is on the opposite end of the bottle's mouth should give truth or dare to that person ",a blonde girl in the circle said.

Soon, the game started with so much enthusiasm. It stopped in front of a girl. When asked truth or dare, she chose dare boldly

"Dance in a flirty way for five minutes ", a boy gave her the dare. She started her dance in a sexy way giving a lap dance to him and everyone shooted around.

The game continued. At one time, it stopped at Jacqueline and the blonde girl.

When the blonde girl asked, truth or dare, she surprised me by taking the truth. Did I think so high of her? Maybe since I am high now, I am thinking so. I know it's a bad joke. But the liquor in my body is coming into action and I will surely drive you all nuts with my actions.

"Do you think you are a great kisser? Why? ", the blonde asked.

She chuckled in response. "Of course, I am a great kisser. Each and everyone will wish to kiss me. I am a dream come true to everyone's fantasy. Am I not a great kisser Parth? ",she asked him.

This bitch! Did anyone ask her about Parth? Such a dumb! I looked at Parth to see him nodding his head in acknowledgement. If she is a dumb, he is a dumber. No ..no.. the dumbest!!

"Not everyone wishes to kiss you. Before you ask me whom, I will tell it myself. There will be some decent boys in this world to see your true nature and character and will feel disgusted to be even near you. So, don't flatter yourself ",I said with an innocent smile playing on my lips.

"Uhm... so let's continue the game ",the blonde girl said before Jacqueline could come back with a reply.

After some turns, the bottle stopped spinning at me and the one and only Jacqueline.

"Truth or dare? ",she asked with a smirk.

"Truth. "

"Who in this circle do you really want to kiss? Why? ",she asked with a smirk on her ugly face.

"I don't know everyone here. "

Even though Parth's name came to my mind, it's the last thing I want to say aloud.

"Someone is trying to escape the question ",Jacqueline said in a dramatic way.

"What I said was true ",I said firmly.

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